Kat’s Blog: Tracking Registrants

SMART/the government’s office of sentencing, monitoring, apprehending, registering and tracking, is in the business of tracking registrants.

Registrants are tracked locally, within their hometowns. P.O.’s, police and other law enforcement officials always want to know where they are, where they’re living, working or relaxing.

Registrants are tracked through domestic interjurisdictional informational tracking, law enforcement across jurisdictions sharing information regarding the whereabouts of registrants on the move.

Registrants are tracked by international tracking, the number of countries they are allowed to visit seems to shrink daily. Our country’s “unique identifier” on passports of registrants assures international tracking.

The term “tracking” has a history filled with negative connotations.

Wealthy landowners once “tracked” runaway servants with bloodhounds.

Bounty hunters tracked criminals, dead or alive, (although today I believe it’s pretty much alive, only) for monetary rewards.

Big game hunters track wild animals for sport. (Unfortunately, this still occurs.)

Fox hunters use hounds to track defenseless fox for the pure pleasure of the hunt.

Animal control and game wardens track dangerous animals.

Our government “tracks” registrants, citizens who are not a danger, who have already completed their sentences, for what the government terms “public safety”. The public registry is the modern version of “Wanted” posters.

Isn’t it time the government produces some hard evidence showing their “public safety” initiative has been worth all the money it costs taxpayers?

SMART/ GOVERNMENT.  An oxymoron if ever there was one.


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The nomenclature “tracking,” as it applies to SORNA, is a subtle euphemism for forced bondage and subordinate slavery . It’s forced because of the “strict liability” clause associated with SORNA. Heck, It’s extortion and coercion just to remain free. They continue to rule “not punishment,” to circle the wagon around it. They’re obviously protecting the jobs it creates. At the same time, it’s like a job for us that we have to PAY to stay compliant.

“Isn’t it time the government produces some hard evidence showing their “public safety” initiative has been worth all the money it costs taxpayers?”

We’re a nation that’s addicted to gimmicks, short-cuts and instant gratification. They actually believe this train wreck of a law actually enhances the quality of their lives, so they gladly fork over tax money towards it. It’s difficult to dissuade someone that believes this child-safety gimmick works. Especially the “I want to know who lives on my block” kinda people. I’d say their claim “it’s a public safety tool” they often trot out should be attacked, discredited and debunked. They shamelessly continue to take credit for false claims and statistically insignificant “what if” scenarios.

Being on the registry is like a controlled demolish of your sanity, hope and future by the government.

It is about time for something. I’d love to get a peek at some stock and investment portfolios from those government agents involved in the OMNIBUS 94 Act. I know for sure Mr. Dell sold computers & software to Wisconsin to build the original version. I’m sure Mr. Dell sold units other states too. If any members of Congress or the courts had a financial interests at stake a claim can be made. One of the questions I ask potential jury members in FTR context highlights that very point.

Are there any of you potential jurors who suspect their personal information has been sold out to big data?

More than half raised their hands! I then go on to produce more articles of it by discussing FB’s recent 5B fine etc.

“…sentencing, monitoring, apprehending, registering and tracking…”

For a system they swear isn’t like probation or parole, the above acronym says it all…

It’s about keeping up appearances. Ever walk into a grocery store and just alert the clerk’s that you have a list of things to buy and that they should know about it? That’s weird, I thought everybody did that.

But when you do it under a cloud of community oriented propaganda just so you can justify the time you spent on it it suddenly becomes something “empowering”. And that’s where the issue lies. It’s about turning the gears of the make-believe world they had to make so that people would actually believe in the cause and join the victim culture.

Of course they don’t track People Forced to Register, they “track” them. As in, they do a pathetic job of doing anything useful. Sure, the criminal regime knows where I live and work. BFD. What is that worth? Jack shit. I can do anything that I like. Further, if I actually wanted to commit a crime, their “tracking” wouldn’t do them any good at all. Their Registries would remind me to be careful and do it far from any connections I have.

Honestly, in my case, I’m fairly shocked at how useless the Registries are. I do suspect that’s the case for most people.

We need to stop calling that office “SMART”. That is definitely not what it is. It is the “NOT-SMART” office. We only need to do what they do and come up with a few words, related or not, that use those letters and awkwardly slap them all together.

Smart : Surly Moronic Asinine Ridiculous Tactics

If they’re so good at “tracking”, why do they need registrants to report every time they fart while facing south after business hours?

@4sensiblelaws: I think understanding the racial implications of the registry is long overdue. As a white person living in a largely black urban area, I can say that there are many RSOs in the city who are black, and that the city is a pretty good place to be—there is almost no harassment from the city police, and my black neighbors seem accepting. If we look at the black community’s response to notable sex offenders—Mike Tyson, for example—there is far more forgiveness than in most American white communities. That said, what the registry does do is make it difficult for black men living in cities to move to suburbs, or to get jobs in suburbs. I was arrested in a mostly white exurb community north of Detroit (the other side of 8 Mile, if you’ve seen the Eminem movie) that has a long history of anxiety around black Detroiters coming into their towns. I can imagine that being on a registry would make it difficult for black men considering a move to the suburbs (for work, for example). This seems like one element of a modern “red lining” policy, and one that I think would make an interesting legal or PR case.