MI: Feds sued over prison attack that killed sex offender, hurt 2 others

[detroitnews.com – 12/11/20]

Detroit — Two federal prison inmates and the estate of a third are suing the government, claiming officials at a Monroe County lockup failed to prevent a 2019 attack on the sex offenders, one of whom was stomped and stabbed to death.

Christian Maire, Michal Figura and Craig Evans were attacked in January 2019 in the East Unit of The Federal Correctional Institution, Milan. Maire was stomped and stabbed repeatedly with a shank before being thrown down a flight of stairs, prosecutors said.

Figura and Evans survived the attack, although the lawsuit, which does not specify monetary damages sought, claims they suffered psychological damage.

Alex “Sniper” Castro, 39; Jason “J” Kechego, 38, and Adam “Creeper” Wright, 39, face first-degree premeditated murder charges in connection with Maire’s death. A pretrial conference is scheduled for Jan. 28.

“The East Unit at FDC Milan, was known, or should have been known, by defendant (Board of Prisons’) agents and employees, as a dangerous place for sex offenders,” the six-page lawsuit says.

Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesman Justin Long declined to comment.

“We do not comment on pending litigation,” he said in an email.

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It would be helpful if we knew how many sex offenders and accused sex offenders were attacked and/or killed in prisons and jails per year. Apparently, about a dozen are murdered each year in California’s state prison system alone. Publicly available information suggests that far more sex offenders are killed in prisons and jails then are executed in the entire U.S. each year.

It would also be helpful if we knew how many preventable deaths occurred due to COVID over the last few months.
You have to ask, is this indifference to human life or intentional, or both.

This really infuriates me. The feds know what is going on in these prisons. They know the risk and the trauma they put people with sex offenses through by mixing them. I spent 5 years and 28 days in federal prison, and there were many days I never knew if I was going to make it out. One acquainted of mine was beat to death, and many were violently and severely assaulted. The worst thing about it is that the SO’s for the most part are the decent ones in the prison. They are working jobs, following the rules, studying in the library, not having any violations of the rules. Most of them stand out in prison becasue they aren’t truly criminal minded. Most were decent citizens on the outside and made a poor judgement around their sexuality, but otherwise were law abiding people. This is not the case for the majority in prison. In fact, while in prison the lying, stealing, hustling, and violence just continues. They really should be segregated, but there are reasons why they aren’t. They prison takes advantage of the passivity of them at the expense of the safety of the SO.

Nobody should be threatened, beaten, assaulted or killed while in custody. As a society we should demand accountability of those who turn a blind eye or participate. To bad rehabilitation wasn’t the true purpose of custody in jail and prisons.