General Comments April 2021

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Hey everyone, Janet, other servants of Justice. I have nothing negative to report. Still excelling after graduating from UC Berkeley. Working on a book got hired by a major grocery company during covid thinking it would be temporary and have promoted three times now to a lead position. I had been really worried about the background check limiting me but nothing ever came up. Moved to Mexico and other than secondary every single time I cross its been uneventful. Blessings and prayers.
I have a comment also: has anyone started the dialog in asking that if the registry is so useful in building community safety, why don’t we have a registry for all of it? I’d live to know if I have chronic DUI criminals on my street, or if I’m about to do business with someone who has embezzled money in the past. Why stop there? I’d like a registry for bad drivers, theives, and scammers. In doing this wouldn’t we bring the struggle to everyone’s front door? Just the argument and attempt at creating these new registries could open people’s eyes to the reality of the ignorance and negligence of the currant laws. Just a thought. God bless.

One day one of these “predator hunting” attention whores is going to entrap the wrong guy and absorb a well-deserved head shot. In fact, that sounds like a YouTube channel I’d “be sure to click like and subscribe.”

“Hey guys…check it out as we pretend to be an overweight, lonely 35 year old loser pervert looking to hook up with a 13 year old girl, but we know the “girl” is really a 35 year old overweight wanna be cop trying to justify the space he takes up in his parent’s basement by appearing to provide value to the world through tricking people into illegal activities. Just watch as this wanna-be super hero literally pisses his pants when we turn the tables and put a loaded Beretta 12 GA in his face – it’s a hoot!”

A predator hunting YouTuber and a man seemingly caught in a sting both had their channels removed by the platform (

Did my yearly at the Long Beach PD, CA.
Apparently they are now asking for emergency contacts for people who may known my whereabouts when called on…. wtf is that??? answered none.
I notice on the paperwork on section 1 page 3 of 4 CJIS 8102S
it states the 10,20, life time requirement.. and since the start of my registration of 2008 that my tier is “blank” and no additional paperwork about this supposed tier revaluation that was talked about a few years back materialized.. that is all..

Has anyone considered doing our own secure registry. A place where we can contact other registrants if traveling or seeking assistance. Obviously we can no longer count on our own Government to even protect our most basic right of life, so why not set up our own networking system.

Just out of curiosity, have any of you who travel internationally ever filed an inquiry with DHS ( According to Step 1 on their site, its proper use is for:

People who have been denied or delayed airline boarding; have been denied or delayed entry into or exit from the U.S. at a port of entry or border crossing; or have been repeatedly referred to additional (secondary) screening can file an inquiry to seek redress.

and if:

You believe you were unfairly detained during your travel experience or unfairly denied entry into the United States.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if all RCs are placed on a Watch List. It seems to me it can’t hurt to go through the process to try to get a Redress Control Number. Who knows what info the Feds will kick back. If nothing else, you’ll be making some pencil-necked bureaucrat do some work, which is nice (tip of the hat to Bill Murray as “Carl”).

Another celebrity charged with Federal CP possession today.

Attempted to find a therapist on an online service. I filled out the questionnaire completely, including my CP conviction. The site said it would take up to 48 hrs for a local therapist to contact me. After 96 hrs I filled out a contact form , asking what the delay was. I was told that they didn’t have any therapists available at this time, but were still looking for a match. I asked for a refund and was given one.
This shows that given the option, even therapists will avoid a sex offense for business.