MD: Maryland’s Most Wanted – Kevin, convicted of a sex offense

Source: 6/22/21

BALTIMORE (WBFF) — A person convicted of a sex offense accused of failing to register and then skipping town is the focus of this week’s Maryland’s Most Wanted.

According to the U.S. Marshals Service, 59-year-old Kevin … has been on the run for more than a year.

Kevin, who was convicted of sexual assault in New Jersey in 2001, is now accused of failing to register.

“There’s a reason the law requires these individuals to register,” said Deputy US Marshal Al Maresca. “It’s in the public interest.”

Tracking down [people] convicted [of a] sex offense who are accused of trying to skirt the label is a big part of what the U.S. Marshals Services does daily.

“To be honest, failing to register … is a very common crime,” Maresca said. “In all reality as soon as you get that sex offense it becomes like a scarlet letter. No matter where you go, no matter who you are people know what you did.”

Kevin is currently wanted by the U.S. Marshals Service. (WBFF)

Now the Marshals need the public’s help to track down Kevin, a man they describe as unassuming but no less dangerous.

“He looks as plain as your next door neighbor,” Maresca said. “That doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous and that doesn’t mean there’s not a risk to public safety, having him be out there and not in compliance.”

Kevin, who’s labeled as a tier-2, is accused of fleeing from New Jersey. According to the Marshals, their investigation has uncovered that Kevin may have traveled to Maryland and is now trying to lie low in the suburbs of Baltimore.

“At this point, there’s no doubt someone is helping him out,” Maresca said. “It’s in the interest of public safety that we apprehend him.”

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Click on the link to see the original article. Notice that the the two Most Wanted links inserted in the article are about murderers.

This is more proof that society emotionally ranks sex offenses equal to murder.

Ironically, a parolee who actually murdered a child would not be on a registry, so people would have to judge him like any other person, based on the person he is today, not who he was when he committed his crime.

“To be honest, failure to register is a common crime. ..”
Just as intended and so more incarceration can be imposed.

It’s actually quite understandable why this guy chose to abscond. Imagine the shittiest day of your life, except it’s everyday and it’s forever. You don’t get to live life on your own terms,you’re forced to live it with a gun to your head.

“It’s in the public interest.”

Except this knowledge is not power, it’s does, however, give a false sense of empowerment, but that will never translate into real-world protection and prevention. They really are over-selling and expliting unwarranted fear (catastrophizing) to the public while bad-mouthing everyone with this label.

“At this point, there’s no doubt someone is helping him out,”

That admission is clearly coming from a place of frustration and egotism.

Here’s yet another great example of why all law enforcement needs to be de-funded as much as possible. The U.S. Marshals are nothing but harassing terrorists. These people are enemies of all free people.

Vote. We must get rid of all people who want to grow big government as big as they possibly can.

Today, I’ll ensure the Hit Lists are worthless. Deputy US Marshal Al Maresca lied when he said, “No matter where you go, no matter who you are people know what you did.” Today, I’ll ensure that’s not the case. Today, I’ll ensure that others mind their own f’ing business and not harass my family. They’ll also pay consequences. It’s the moral thing to do.

To be honest you aren’t helping with embracing the scarlet letter and putting the public in fear. Failure to register is a common crime; which the rules change as much as the weather. At least the weather gets better as these laws get worse.

Honestly the embraces of the scarlet letter putting fear in Maryland communities does nothing. What happens if the guy isn’t even in Maryland? If an agency can’t find a guy who has been missing for a year maybe you need to a find different career.

Failure to register is a common crime. I thought it was a civil administrative non punishment. Registration laws change more than the weather does; however at least the weather gets better as these laws get worse.

And I am sure the person who murders, the person who deals drugs, the person who in the future will commit a sex offense will also look like your nice next door neighbor, teacher, coach, pastor, etc. You get it! At least they call it what it is: A LABEL, A SCARLETT LETTER.

Rebuttal –

“It’s in the public interest.”

Why is that Mr. Maresca? What interest is it of theirs? 20 years later he is of public interest?

“No matter where you go, no matter who you are people know what you did.”

Do they? How so? Is he actively wearing a scarlet letter?

“He looks as plain as your next door neighbor,” Maresca said. “That doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous and that doesn’t mean there’s not a risk to public safety, having him be out there and not in compliance.”

You mean, Mr. Maresca, the plain neighbor who is not registered but is part of the 95% who could be a first time person who offends, could be considered dangerous, and possibly poses a risk to the public but does not need to be in any compliance because you, Sir, are focusing in the wrong direction to begin with? Asking for many friends…

(Side comment – his picture in the article looks a lot like John Walsh in his younger days, IMO. Imitation is a sincere form of flattery.)

The registry made my life a living hell. Last year, I was able to leave the USA for Africa, but was stopped at my destination country thanks to Angel Watch. I had to take another plane to Somalia (no other country would accept me). If you ever watched Black Hawk Down, you would think my greatest fear would be the local population. It isn’t. My greatest fear is a group of U.S. Marshals showing up to drag me back to the USA.

“He looks as plain as your next door neighbor,” Maresca said. “That doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous and that doesn’t mean there’s not a risk to public safety, having him be out there and not in compliance.” This douchebag marshal just accused Smith without really saying it…what a slippery eel this Al Maresca is…he has all the makings of a crappy politician.

Inversely not reoffending after 20 years from his conviction also means he is NOT dangerous and is NOT a risk to public safety. I would’ve love to publicly debate this.

What’s the public interest here? How would him being up to date prevent him from committing more crimes of any kind?

Another person on the registry on the run for FTR In reality every person forced to register in America is on the run for FTR.
Everytime A person convicted of a sexual offense wakes up in the morning it’s game on not just with law enforcement but with everybody thats why you gotta stay mindful of your surroundings and who you choose to hangout with because 90% of people busted for FTR were told on by someone they knew or someone they associated with.
This guy Kevin Smith is definitely going to prison when they catch him

Good luck 🗣

“Failure to register is a common crime,” yet every story about Operation: Jerkaround shows 95+ percent compliance and nearly all arrested on those sweeps are undoubtedly pretty chintzy (considering they seldom report the specific “violation”).

I wonder what the follow up stories on the disposition of those arrests would read like if the supposed news bloodhounds were inclined to write them.

This is nothing but persecution. The last several weeks it seems all the posts on here are about the governments all out assault on people on the registry. The only good I see is that with all these attacks compiled here they make a pretty undeniable case for what life on the registry is, nothing short of all out harassment and shaming no matter how long you have been crime free, no matter how you have rebuilt your life, no matter how slight your offense may have been, they just never stop looking for you and trying to force you to make a mistake so they can lock you up.

“Tracking down [people] convicted [of a] sex offense who are accused of trying to skirt the label is a big part of what the U.S. Marshals Services does daily” (emphasis added).

Really?? In a CNN report the other day, a representative for the Marshals Services complained about needing perhaps 1400 more officers because they couldn’t properly protect federal judges and others. They might consider disbanding their “Sex Offender Predator Apprehension Team” and not participating in local compliance sweeps.

This is a textbook example of “mission creep” in law enforcement, which results in larger budgets and less freedom for all. Police reform means, in part, reevaluating priorities and overlapping missions. Presently police have little incentive to actually prevent or reduce crime. They receive kudos for arresting “bad guys.” Fewer bad guys means fewer accolades. That’s a pretty simple equation.

If the registry actually contributed to public safety, I’d be 100% behind it. However we all know that it doesn’t.


Why don’t they simply follow the crime spree he’s been on and track him that way? Oh, you mean there’s no proof he’s done anything wrong beyond this? Good thing the USMS are on the case!

Thanks, too, for that beautiful quote about it being a Scarlet Letter. Good thing there’s no shaming attached to it.

How dare all of you impugn the integrity of the US Marshals. This organization exemplifies the finest of men and women in law enforcement, but don’t take it from me, a low-life registered sexual deviant. Read for yourselves the magnificently honorable virtues of this glorious institution!

Don’t you just love the land of the free and the home of the Nazis cops and can’t blame parents for not watching their children at all times. So let make a sex monster to blame. So we can run around and use taxpayer money to hunt down the so called animal. But we need the PUBLICS help.Cause we are useless and lazy. So any tips to where this bigfoot is would help us out. Love how the useless cops use dangerous to make the public get in fear mold just to do there f-ing job! If knew where this guy was at f you cops. Work for your tax payer money

These people remind of Jackie Gleason’s character in Smokey and the Bandit. Bandit could be in plain site and they still couldn’t pick him out in a crowd.

“To be honest, failing to register … is a very common crime,” Maresca said. “In all reality as soon as you get that sex offense it becomes like a scarlet letter. No matter where you go, no matter who you are people know what you did.”
To be honest, Field Mashall Maresca, FTRs should – at most – be treated as a misdemeanor, technical violation resulting in a fine, not as a felony resulting in a prison sentence. No other post-incarcerated individuals are harrassed this way and it needs to STOP until law enforcement and legislators can provide PROOF that Registries actually DO provide any valid measure of public safety!! 😡

Great, Al Maresca, of the United States Marshals Service, says that failing to register is a “common crime,” akin to a “scarlet letter.”

(Obviously, Maresca maybe never learned the moral of the story from The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.)

What does it say about the so-called “Land of the Free,” “Home of the Brave,” when failing to register has become a ‘common crime,’ just like a ‘scarlet letter?’

What does it also say about this SCAM of a country when there are about one million “registered sex offenders?”

Then add salt to the wound, what does it also say about this country when a child is more likely to labeled as a “registered sex offender” than to be molested by someone on it?

All the patriotic propaganda taught in school was all a joke… complete lies… just like Megan’s Law and the ‘sex offender’ registry. There is nothing free in this country. We all pay taxes. Meanwhile, our civil liberties are slowly being eroded by corrupt and dishonest government officials who fear-monger at the benefit of their career advancement, as well as toxic work cultures and work environments.

I can’t believe I used to look up to the government and law enforcement. Now they all just seem like big bullies who mislead a lot of people, via fear-mongering, into following their manipulative agenda for power grabs. No wonder there is so much divisiveness in this country — and the old guard is losing credibility and respect.

The truth needs to come out about how government is a massive scam.

(Should have learned government was a lying scum bag scam after they invaded Iraq based on false pretense. We were all lied to then — and we will all be lied to in the future.)