MN: OCEAN Community Conference and Rally — July 18, 2021


OCEAN is hosting their Community Conference at Capital Mall in St. Paul, Sunday, July 18, 2021. At this gathering, a lineup of speakers will educate the public on the terrors of preventive detention in the state of Minnesota. The first speaker will be introduced at 1:00 PM. If you can, please bring your own chair.
At 3:30 PM we will walk/drive to the Governor’s Mansion, where we will demand an Executive Order from Governor Tim Walz to shutdown preventive detention in Minnesota.

The current conditions are ripe for mass incarceration. We must stand for the rights of others if we are to protect our own. We look forward to seeing you there. To learn more, go to

What is OCEAN?

OCEAN is an acronym for, “Overcoming Corruption Empowering All Nations.” OCEAN is not an “organization”. Corruption exists in and around all of us. Overcoming that corruption by exposing it, and then replacing it with something better, empowers all people – despite race, culture, creed or gender – to also overcome corruption. This is OCEAN. If we are forced to call OCEAN anything, we will call it a MOVEMENT and the qualification for “membership” is this: you either are or you are not, Overcoming Corruption Empowering All Nations.

“We are not ‘losing momentum.’ We ARE the momentum.” – OCEAN co-founder, Daniel A. Wilson

“What are they going to do? Again we have the right and as I see it everything else has been done – treatment, legal, meetings, what’s next? We give up and sit around playing X-Box and eating ourselves to death!?!” – OCEAN co-founder Russell J. Hatton

The Schedule for July 18, 2021

Community Conference: Sunday, July 18, 2021, 1:00 PM. We will meet at Capital Mall in St. Paul. We can put sings up in the park as early as 7:00 AM to guide people to the right spot in the park. We are working with Fed Ex now to get signs. There will be multiple speakers to educate the public about the horrors of MSOP. Family members and OCEAN activists will also speak. The sound system is of the quality to reach 1,000 people outdoors. There will be food, bottles of water etc. We are currently working on getting an outhouse. We rented 50 chairs for volunteers and those who may not be able to stand for long. In the flyer we asked people to bring, their own chairs. We rented two 8 foot tables, one 5 foot round table, 2 tents, one of them will have 3 walls to it. These items are mainly for the volunteers to use and for food or whatever they are needed for. There will be plenty of OCEAN brochures, but we cannot hand them out. We can only set them on tables and are allowed to play music to draw people in. Handing out brochures is “soliciting”.  This will be live streamed to YouTube by the OCEAN Webmaster.

To the Governor’s Mansion: Sunday, July 18, 2021, 3:30 PM everyone will march/drive to the Governor’s Mansion at 1008 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105 to demand an Executive Order to abolish preventive detention in Minnesota.

Why the metro area? Because 485 clients come from the metro area and we need their families to show up. We will write a newsletter to encourage men to get their families there. The OCEAN Community Conference is aimed at the educating the public. The Rally is aimed at the Governor, who can influence the legislature and/or pass an Executive Order. We believe that DHS/MSOP has lied to us and they do in fact have more power than they say. However, they have passed the buck to their bosses and they have justified the OCEAN Community Conference and Rally.  We are not breaching our agreement with Jodi Harpstead. We will go to our last meeting with them and take what we can get from it.  Johnston, Hebert, Smith, Lubov and Woods made it clear that the legislature is to blame and they even made it public.  They passed the buck so now we are aiming at the Governor, who is the final authority in the legislative process.


For more details see the attached pdf file below.



Download the PDF file .


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Focusing on Rehabilitation should always be the number one solution. We need to look closer at how Europe deals with “criminals” and adopt their approach that is so much more beneficial to anyone involved.

Considering the US government is running Auschwitz style death camps, the relatively civil response to this is dare I say absurdly overly civilized.

So can we sail on Carnival Cruse ship Cabo San Lucas

Does anyone know if there is a recording of Janice B. Speech at the war room ??