Andrew Cuomo and the Myth of the Evil Perpetrator: Governor Cuomo’s recent scandal illustrates a myth about sexual abuse

Source: 8/11/21

Key points

  • Prior to the reports of sexual abuse, Governor Cuomo was a popular and trusted public figure.
  • The Myth of the Evil Perpetrator suggests that we are psychologically biased to think of sexual abusers as only archetypes of evil.
  • In reality, even trusted figures are capable of sexual abuse (and often abuse from these individuals is even more prolific).
  • We must be cognizant of our bias against finding “good” people culpable for sexual abuse, and understand how this bias can affect victims.

“To cheapen or ridicule the pain a woman suffers from a sexual attack is disgusting—sexist and disgusting,” proclaimed New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in 2018, as the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was upended by charges of sexual misconduct.

Believe it or not, there was a time when Cuomo was wildly popular. Just months into the COVID-19 pandemic, Cuomo was described by CNN as “one of, if not, the single most popular politician in the country.” Polling numbers from April of 2020 showed Cuomo’s favorability among New Yorkers at a whopping 77 percent. Shockingly, even the majority (53 percent) of Republicans viewed him favorably at the time. While Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic eventually came under significant scrutiny, his three terms as governor and former position as a Democratic presidential front runner suffice to show that he had earned our nation’s trust and approval.

But all that’s over. Last week, the release of the long-awaited report the New York Attorney General’s Office found that Cuomo had engaged in a pattern of sexual harassment and abuse towards female employees that consisted of physical groping and offensive, sexually suggestive comments. (See the full report here.) The accounts of harassment were prolific, with investigators finding the accusations of 11 different women to be credible. In response, Cuomo agreed Monday morning to resign (effective in 14 days).

Cuomo’s behavior reinforces what the academic literature around sexual abuse has dubbed “the Myth of the Evil Perpetrator” (see e.g., Baumeister, 2012). Essentially, individuals want to believe that perpetrators of sexual abuse are simply bad people who do bad things. At our deepest psychological level, human beings are pattern detectors (Proulx and Heine, 2009). We continuously piece together connections from myriad stimuli and perceive our world in ways that comport with these relationships. It is profoundly uncomfortable (see cognitive dissonance) for us to encounter incongruities; to accept that a “good” person has done bad things. To avoid this psychological discomfort, we are biased to think that perpetrators of sexual abuse are two-dimensional archetypes of evil—trench coats and all. But this just isn’t the reality.

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I’m re-posting most of what I posted under General Comments earlier this month because I refuse to let these facts go under-noticed. I’m sick of these politicians dealing with their own demons and boosting their campaigns by throwing registrants and our families under the bus.

Here are some interesting facts about the wonderful Governor Cuomo:

-Back in 2009, while he was New York Attorney General, he was adamantly behind the nonsense that now causes all registrants to be barred by Facebook and other social media companies:

-Then, in 2016, he tried to get registrants to be barred from playing Pokemon! Seriously!!! A video game! So, what, I can’t take my son out to play this game??? It’s okay if he goes out alone and gets hit by a car, Governor?

-And, in early 2020, he tried to get registrants kicked off of MTA Mass Transit (like they are trying to do in Washington D.C.)

The useless piece-of-crap mainstream media will never report this. So I’m going to beat the damn drum about this as much as I can. Let’s expose all of these hypocrites who have benefited by making our lives and our families miserable!

Psychology Today is a rag that promotes victim’s stance. Obviously these attitudes greatly diminish the morale of the people. What’s worse psychologists understand perhaps better than most just how damn dangerous victim’s stance is as an individual mindset! From that position anything can be justfied. Furthermore when victim’s stance becomes a group dynamic it feeds on itself eventually spiralling in a downward fashion. Obviously that is the place were are in now. As far as Gov Coumo, well he can spend his time reflecting on his bad deeds with Elliot Spitzer.
The people of NY surely are responsible for who the elect. Sadly Americans are compelled to follow leadership- even the poorest of same.

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. One wonders if a head shrink is in demand today. Guess their is to many big heads today. Both men and women today actually want to enjoy what freedom they have. Sure one can talk about justification but man cannot justify the man. Even this Psychology today is a bit of a nuts and bolts theopsy session.

Talk about battles or is the mind a terrible thing to waste. One could say the sex registry by internet inducement is a mind bender game of enticing another? These affairs even by government rulers are a bit off centered. Wonder what happened to the pin-ups the GI’s took to war or who rapes today in war?

 Yes this registry has opened up a can of worms for many with this enticement by governments. Even with the imprisonment of many by some girly picture or some distasteful text chat of words or who knows the thoughts and intents of that other person. Even the bible can tell one that.

Sure their is a right way and a wrong way of doing things but who’s trying to play superhero in this brick in the wall. Their is enough problems today with this convid and even natural events and other hardships. Are these Psychologist and psychiasist or counselors trying to solve their own confusion. Now you have government and leaders on the band wagon to reprimand in vain ways. Nothing wrong with a bit of biblical understanding or listen to this past president.

Those Who Cannot Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat It

Yeah, lets see if this dude gets on the registry. Doubt it, even if he is found guilty with hard real evidence he will walk…

One minute your a hero and the next minute your a zero.
I don’t believe Andrew Cuomo was getting off on hugging and touching his co-workers publicly. He had enough money and power to live out any sexual fantasies he wanted in the privacy of his own home why would he wait till he was a work to sexual assault women dont make no sense

Good luck

Janice you mentioned the culture around abuse. Did anyone ever check out the abuses of pastors or church goers that fall in many ways. The slanders and disgrace of it all. Enough is enough and Cuomo bowed out gracefully or was he robbed out of conscience.? Sure one can talks about accountability and awareness but we all have responsibility. Sure one has to admit women or even teen’s can have a bad “hair day” if you would like to say that but even at times women can over react to situations that can bring physical and psychological damage or even emotional damage to others. Take a look at this registry to give one an example or who’s pointing fingers today.How does one judge another? Look it up in the bible which should be the basics of all government institutions today or who is without sin in government exploration.

Talk about Ann Lander’s and her gossip column. So who’s calling the kettle black today in governments upheaval. Evil is a nation that advances or defends against it. So creating something that is evil to entice is just as bad as the one being lead into this or whatever happened to divorce court today.

I don’t know what Cuomo may have done or did not do. But I do know that when I take time to watch any game show from the 60’s and 70’s and 80s I see Monty Hall, Bob Barker and Richard Dawson kissing various contestants. Whether society today thinks it is acceptable or not that is what was acceptable for us generation 50+. Yes, including us women we were taught to greet people in this way and we did not find it offensive, and we were taught to this form of greeting, mainly by our mothers or grandmothers. My mother included. I am 56 and I greeted a lot of gentlemen and ladies with a hug and kiss. However, that would never fly in today’s society. But once ago touching someone’s waist, shoulder, back when you greet or speak to them as well as hugging and kissing was not sexually assaulting.

Last edited 2 years ago by Laura

Myths, scandals, sexual abuse, or common temptations. While this article presents a little light on things, are we all still trying to understand all this confusion or even the embarrassment of much of this registry, these jail sentences, classes, even the fraudulent pretenses. Talk about a thief in the night or a country club of law enforcement getting a bit over rated on a cyber scale of “THEIR” puffed up justice. That wouldn’t even be called Christian.

Did this scandal ruin the man’s career or did language or suggestive comments go into overdrive in a real life situation or encounter. Talk about the woman caught in adultery One could say Cuomo made a judgment call to step down. While this is a different situation than many on the sex registry have gone thru Mr. Cuomo still has to be looked up to by making the right decision. See he made a decision. These sting operations are a bit out of balance as in many respects and very skeptical. Remember they are still a minister for Good ok. Many people can’t even understand people coming out of prison and still a prisoner by much of this devilish scheme.

This article and situation has a tethering effect of a give and take persuasion type of pretense accusation. Call monitoring today or chat monitoring today, or this text is being monitored for what. If one has nothing to hide than why be monitored, if one looks at it that way, or who is watching over sting operations to make sure they are done right. Oops I forgot Grady Judd said we are trained in the art of deception.

If anyone can actually say these sex sting operations based on confusion than this cuomo issue is an example of a he said she said of reality. Those women are not pretending but those police are. Guess its the pressure of it all that is a bit much.

Brought to you by the same rag that led to “frightening and high.”