MI: RSO Freezes to Death – Federal District Court Case

In a unique way this judge resolves the issue so that it cannot happen again. And retains jurisdiction, apparently forever. In essence, overnight shelters ARE NOT a residence under MI SORA’s residency law. Full Article / Decision

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The government officials who crafted the illegal law which is clearly cruel and unusual punishment and directly caused the death of this individual, should be held accountable and charged with contributing to this American citizens death on American soil.

Each and everyone of them should be charged with the crime of murder!

How long will the American people continue to pass laws that are simply “legal” torture of fellow American citizens? Why is the constitution being ignored?

It is my understanding that registrants are also being denied access to homeless shelters in some parts of California. If anyone has information about that, please post it on this site. With this court ruling, we may have a legal basis on which to obtain access for the homeless in California as well.

Hi everyone, this is truly sad and disturbing; that the majority of people are so devoid of the truth in what they do and what they believe. I’m talking about those that conceive, craft, enforce, and stand behind these draconian laws, as well as the sensationalist news outlets that only report one side of these laws. I’m pretty sure that Megan Kanka and all the other young ones these laws are named after are in heaven cringing at what is being done by these people in their name. I have been reading about deaths facilitated by these laws for years and I am pretty sure the number of RSO deaths has surpassed all of the victims these laws are named after.

Sex offender laws have enabled the creation of a being – the pariah – the very notion of which is rooted in an unenlightened (and assumed by most of us to be discarded) view of humanity. A society must surely protect its vulnerable members from violence and assault. Draconian sex offender laws do not further that aim. They have simply accorded the state the power to brand an individual as undeserving of the most basic human and civil rights.

I’m glad people are fighting for the rights of offenders and actually getting somewhere. I don’t see how putting the offenders exact birthday on Megan’s Law site is going to protect anyone. It subjects the offenders to identity theft. Some may ask who would want to, but someone could get credit in the offenders’ name and run up a tab that the offender will have to pay for either financially or jail time. Why can’t they just put the age of the offender? Megan’s Law was out of revenge for her rape and murder, but the system failed Megan. This offender was let out after doing time for a second offense, but the system was quick to deter any focus on this and make a new law against offenders. The public is not educated on offenders nor do they want to. Most all offenses happen by friends or family members and the stranger danger is highly overrated. When someone is posted on Megan’s website, everyone thinks child rapist. Some are on the site for ridiculous reasons like urinating in a bush. Many kids are finding themselves on it for texting photos of themselves to their friends. It all needs to be reformed. Offenders are humans and citizens also and shouldn’t be subjected to all these unconstitutional restrictions. Let’s keep the fight going. Thanks.