Number of CA Registrant Continues to Decline

The number of persons required to register in California continues to decrease according to a report from the CA Department of Justice (CA DOJ) presented during today’s meeting of the CA Sex Offender Management Board.   Specifically, the number of registrants has decreased by 108 persons during the month of February to a new total of 108,432.  

“Although the reason for the smaller number of persons required to register was not disclosed during the meeting, it is believed that the decrease is due to an increase in the number of petitions being granted under the Tiered Registry Law,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “We expect the number of persons required to register to continue to decrease during the next 12 months as more petitions are granted.”

According to the CA DOJ, the number of registrants in violation is 19,309 which is a decrease of 106 as compared to last month.  The number of homeless registrants is 6,700 according to CA DOJ which is unchanged.  The CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) reported that there are 7,176 registrants required to wear a GPS device.  This represents a decrease of 21.  Of that total, CDCR reported that 3,607 of the registrants are considered high risk.  This represents a decrease of 5.


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It’s a start. Let the petitions pour in!

Do they list how many people were added? 100 or so people per month would mean over 100 years to get everyone off for just the current numbers

If all goes well and those granted petitions don’t violate then this could be the beginning. The government agencies will notice less paperwork, lighter work loads, more time for police to actually police, and an overall reduction in all the waste and red tape that goes along with it. If the pluses are strong and there are very few negatives then they will open the door a little more each year. I just hope and pray that those blessed to get off the registry never cease being grateful and never forget where they came from.

Well this is a joke. They’re keeping everybody on this thing. So let’s just go back to arguing that the entire scheme is unconstitutional. What’s the point of a tiered registry if practically nobody ever gets off the thing? This was just a ploy to keep a blatantly unconstitutional law around way past its expiration date.

Does the board not owe the public reasons why the decrease since they are a tax payer funded entity? This would seem to be something a court filing and/or new law could cause them to provide unless they want to defy the court order or law. This entity seems to be a child who begrudgingly does the work but won’t show the details to it.

  Its a start. well anything has a start and an end to it and yes many want to put an end to much of this registry. Sure this sex registry issue wasn’t well thought out in this bait and trap. One has to look at the registry as vain justice in many ways. Protecting and serving is not setting up another for a “Humpty Dumpty” fall. Some say its unconstitutional on here.Well whats not unconstitutional today or are we all living back in Egypt. So what is evil and what is wicked in this true justice of the masses. Authorities are to protect or who is protecting who.

To bad they will not necessarily be removed from the privately owned databases.

108K + is way to high of a number of individual registrants, mother, fathers, grandparents, sisters, brothers, spouses and their children, not to mention friends who are still being punished horrendously by this registry. All this coming after the registrant served years in jail/prison. However, it is another small step. Yeah!

Congratulations to those individuals who have successfully petition for removal from the registry and being granted under the Tiered Registry Law. Truly, good luck in your future, especially seeking new employment.

Now, for my question(s); if the Cal DOJ has time to compile a list of statistics, which this information is good news, then when are they going to take care of those still listed as “TBD – to-be-determined”? Their own documentation states that the DOJ has up to 24 months, (from January 1, 2021) to determine designations. It will soon be 16 months into this process and yet still no designations have been determined for many.

In my opinion, it just does not make since for the continued delay, especially since this bill was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on October 6, 2017. So in reality, the DOJ had longer time to figure this out. Will the DOJ wait until the 11th hour, (January 1, 2023) to fix this and assign individuals tier designations? As I follow the progress on this, there are still some counties that will not grant any petition for removal as long as the TBD is still listed.

Also, as one here has already mention, is there or will there ever be, any law requiring these horrible unofficial sites that continue to “plaster” registrant’s names everywhere, to remove these names immediately after names are successfully removed from DOJ’s registry?

Each of these sites have, or something similar, stating “we are not responsible to content”. Well, they should be – criminally and civil. They do not update their systems. I would imagine that these sites would quickly change their “policies” if 18,000 plus registrants, current and removed, successfully sued these companies. Anyway, thank you for letting me rant and rave 🙂

So I Petitioned in September And in November the da had no objections To my petition And sent the papers to the local jurisdiction And I haven’t heard anything since So I’m wondering how long it’s going to take