California RSOL Meeting in Los Angeles – March 16

California RSOL will return to Los Angeles on March 16 for a regular monthly meeting.  The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and be held at the ACLU Building, 1313 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles

The meeting is open to registrants, family members and supporters only. No media or government officials are allowed to attend. As usual, the meeting will focus upon issues of importance to registrants, such as residency restrictions and conditions of parole/probation, as well as family members. There is no charge to attend the meeting.

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Count us in!

Hello Jeffrey,

Congratulations on your achievements. Reading your post this evening gave me hope for my son who is 28 and in his second year of a 9 year sentence. He was a psych tech for 3 years before turning himself in. I’ve been reaching out on behalf of my son since then. In the process, I’ve met Janice, Frank Lindsey, Jon Cordeiro and others. My “mustard seed” faith, this organization and the people in it are what give me hope which I’m able to share with my son. I will be telling him your story the next time I see him. I hope to meet you in LA on the 16th.

Valerie Evangelho

Jeffrey thank you for your open honesty. We all would do well to follow your example. I too have just gone through a WIA program for my class A drivers license. I don’t feel comfortable doing women hair any longer. All it takes is an accusation. I hope others within our ranks follow your example. Please say law school is an option for you, but either way you will do well whatever you do.

I sit here today in amazement due to the fact that somebody out really gives a s***!! I truly felt, so far too long, that I was all alone in this self-imprisoned situation. The reason I call it self-imprisonment is because I do take responsibility for my actions. So I feel that I placed myself in this situation. However the action, of which I was sentenced to, were not exactly true. The D.A. presented a tottally differant picture. Nonetheless I served eleven years and eight months of “HELL”. Now you give me some hope that at the age of sixty-years-young I can get on with the rest of my life. I have lost sooo much. My wife, my three beautiful children, that no longer want anything to do with me, thanks to the brainwashing of their mother. So all I pray for is forgiveness from all and to be a better person in society with absolutly no intentions of ever doing any harm to anyone! As the good Lord is my wittness, I stand by what I say. Thank you all and may God Bless you in all you do. Please God, all I ask for is another chance. Amen.

I would like to encourage every registrant and their families in the SoCal area to attend this meeting. We’ve been to the last three, very safe, and safer once inside. Please, you will find commonality in those that attend. It’s an AA of sorts, really. You will no longer feel alone. March 16 … This coming Saturday! Breathe … And know you are not alone in this fight/struggle …

While we welcome all registrants (and family members) to monthly meetings, like this meeting in L.A., we remind those on parole or probation to be sure to stay in compliance. That could mean checking with your parole/probation officer before you attend the meeting. It’s important for you to be compliant so that you can be free. Join us when you can…and until then you can read about the meetings here on the website.

He would say of our culture that we are lucky to have brave Americans like you and Janice who still be believe in/fight for the principles upon which he and others founded this nation.

Laying the groundwork for debate over half a dozen bills that would send parole violators back to prison, Assembly Democrats on a public safety committee Tuesday shot down a bill that would require prison for paroled sex offenders who fail to register their addresses with authorities.,0,2025033.story

** shortened and link to article added. Moderator