MN: Minnesota man kills sex offender using antler

Source: 3/10/23

GRAND MARAIS, Minn. (AP) — A Minnesota man was charged Friday with fatally beating an elderly man previously convicted of child sexual assault, who he believed had stalked his young daughter in the past.

Levi Axtell, 27, was charged with second-degree murder in the death of Lawrence V. Scully, 77, who was beaten to death Wednesday at his home in Grand Marais.

A criminal complaint filed Friday said Axtell killed Scully with a shovel and a moose antler and then drove to the Cook County Sheriff’s office and confessed, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

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Wonder how he found out were the old man lived?

On Wednesday, Axtell arrived at the sheriff’s office covered in blood and “put his hands on his head and said that he had murdered (Scully) with a shovel”

I think these guys that do these vigilante killings expect rose petals to be thrown at their feet by law enforcement.

Another killing, 77yr old man, killed by 27yr old man. Due to the Registry, All these families need to start suing and I mean like Billion $ lawsuits, I see it all the time families suing because there loved one’s dies in custody , the Registry is custody and punishment and somehow it needs to get back to the SCOUS, This macho man 27yr old kills some old man that probably struggles taking out the trash and then drives to police to turn himself in. probably looking for a pat on the back by the officers and Im sure he will only get a slap on the wrist, because the person he killed is on the registry. The USA should be ashamed of there self as a country

Oh so just believing he did something is enough for this guy to go ahead and kill him. Believing is the same thing as thinking. This is ridiculous.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jack

These two men have known each other for a long time. It’s not a case of “stranger danger” because the old man already was well known in town, and I’m sure everyone knew where he lived. Despite his background, he even ran for mayor in 2014. What’s not clear is to whether or not he was a “registered sex offender” His 1979 offense predates the registry, and even if the state later threw him on it, they would have had to require him to register for life in order to be publicly listed in Minnesota.

the state is responsible for this. they are a accessory to the crime.

If a parent is so paranoid to the point of killing someone they think may be scheming to get into their child’s pants, then don’t have children!

Well I’ll tell you – it is a good thing that S@x Offenders have their addresses listed on a public site. It gives wackos like this KILLER an easy route to anyone they feel is a threat to anyone else. Odd, I think the KILLER turned out to be more of a threat than the victim.

Abolish the registries already !!!!

The usual brilliant vigilante.🙄 Exactly who is now going to look out for his little daughter for the next 25 years while he’s in prison? 🤨😒

oh…it’s not an issue…it’s just a simple membership application to White Front/PRICEclub form, no…nah, not a prob., it’s just ADMINISTRATIVE NOT PUNITIVE,
Right aholes
Frank was lucky to of escaped, now how many across the U.S. incarcerated and on release died from vigilantes??? Or bad law or enforce.

I wonder if family members of a RSO is killed because they are on the registry. Can the family members sue the state and or the government liable for their death? Chances are if they wasn’t on a sex registry they would not have been killed. I wonder if Ms. Janice knows the answer to that?

Last edited 1 year ago by F-Texas

I’m shocked! 😳

Man charged with murder for killing former sex offender with a shovel and an antler

Former“?? I don’t recall ever seeing the media describe someone as a “former sex offender”.
What the timeframe on that? 10 years? 20 years? When can we all be “former” offenders? 🤷🏻‍♂️
(Or does the media require you to die before you might be described as “former”?)

YouTube linked coverage of the story.
The comments section.. Ahh there’s FTR gold.
The people’s non punitive intent aspect on full display.

Premeditation usually refers to planning the purpose and design to kill prior to commission of the act, while deliberation usually requires that the act be committed in a cool state of blood and in furtherance of a fixed design to kill. (US OJP)

If he used only his hands, it would still be premeditated because he thought about it, had the mens rea, planned it, and the ability to do it before he actually did it. Regardless of where the shovel or moose antlers came from, he meets the criteria for premeditated murder in the first degree.  The state will not make an example of his vigilantism because it does not help their cause even if it violates the fine print of the registry. 

If the victim has any family, then they should be hiring an attorney to file a civil rights lawsuit against the state and the individual like Ron Goldman’s family did in the 90’s against the white Bronco passenger. (I still think the state is third party guilty like a bar could be for over serving a patron who then kills or maims someone via their vehicle. The state is serving the info online to all the masses even if they can’t control what someone does with it.)