MN: Minnesota sex offender released after turning life around

Source: 4/10/23

BENNINGTON — In a case that touched on the meaning of rehabilitation in the criminal justice system, a Bennington judge ended the probation of a Minnesota woman — Rosa Maria ____ — guilty of luring a minor and sexually assaulting the victim. That decision came Monday, after a hearing last week in which ____ ‘s attorney argued that she had cleaned up her act and rehabilitated her life.

____ , now 27, the mother of two young toddlers, appeared via video link in a Bennington courtroom last Thursday, asking Judge Kerry McDonald-Cady to close the door on her open-ended parole.

____ has served a three-year prison sentence and three additional years of supervised probation, including numerous programs aimed at rehabilitation, without any issues or reoffending.

“The court finds that conditions have been satisfied by the defendant and that her conduct warrants the discharge of probation,” said McDonald-Cady in her written decision Monday. “The court also finds that the discharge of defendant’s probation serves the ends of justice.”

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….. but [she] will still be required to register as a sexual offender for the rest of her life.’

Unbelievable. She obviously worked very hard to ” rehabilitate” herself, but still on the registry. 

Oh, I forgot, the Registry isn’t punishment. 

Even the boy’s parents believed the sentence she received was “far too severe”. I agree – exactly who-the-f*ck was the “justice system” protecting in this case??

Of course, the Criminal Justice Prison Complex System is total sh*t!! 

Wondering what part ‘gender’ impacted this morality play. Should the offender have been male and the ‘victim’ an underage male or female, would the judge, as well as the victim’s parents, have had the same reaction?

Of course this person must be Registered. The carceral businesses must keep making $$$$$$$$$$. We don’t want to be putting skilled people out of work. Or jeopardizing the ability of the owners of companies like Offender Watch to buy their mansions and boats. Those “people” want $$$$$$$$. And more $$$$$.

Obviously few people care if people like this commit more crimes in the future. They want the business and $$$. The Registries will trash this person’s “rehabilitation” very quickly, I bet within 1 year. She’ll come to realize the garbage “people” behind all of it. Hopefully she’ll become radicalized and start fighting the real criminals who think Registries should exist.

I’ll note that Registration doesn’t have ANY CHANCE IN HELL of preventing this person from repeating the exact crime for which she was incarcerated. No chance. It’s such an awesome tool. Let’s make sure we apply it to her!

I’ll also note that we still don’t have magic Gun Offender Registries. People like this person are super dangerous. People who shoot people with guns aren’t. And “people” who think Sex Offense Registries should exist are lying scumbags who are enemies of Americans. Everyone should treat them as such, daily.

Registered for the rest of her life. We truly live in the dumbest timeline.

As I said in another post – the very people who maintain that the Registry is not punishment will be on it themselves.

Prosecutor Alexander Burke also referenced that both parents, at the time, felt the minor had some responsibility for what happened.

WOW…that’s a first!!!!!!

Speaking for the state, Burke disagreed that a minor victim was responsible for what happened.

Oh, of course the state would say this. BUT, if the same minor brought a gun into his school and started blasting people, suddenly, he’s now an “adult” and will be charged and prosecuted as such.

I’m calling BULLSHIT!

Here’s another person who has turned their life around. Why Gov. Youngin changed the restoration of rights process.
Sex assault suspect nabbed in Ohio after running out of gas