SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A California parole agent was accused of soliciting one of his parolees to kill another. Numerous corrections department employees allegedly had sex with inmates, including juveniles. Full Article
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So based on these findings, it is more dangerous to interact with a parole agent or prison guard than it is to know or live near a SOR.
Although my experience with the legal thugs is limited, I have drawn my conclusion that, as a whole, prison guards, parole and probation agents were the kids that got bullied in gym class and now have grown up, been given a gun and are living to make life miserable for the types that bullied them. Note that this is my conclusion, albeit a very negative one. We do not have any idea as to the depth of the abuses by law enforcement in general because of their “honor code” and ability to cover up their abuses. I do know that statistically, law enforcement sentences are a third of the general public’s for the same crime and it’s rare that law enforcement ever goes to trial. Law enforcement is America’s secret society.
For those of us who have been in the system, is anyone surprised??? This simply reminds me of some of the guards while I was in LA County Jail, the ones who would wake us up in the middle of the night by sounding alarms, playing loud music, calling us perverts, etc over intercom system, then laugh about it. These are the same kids who were bullied, or were the kids who would poke sticks at a caged animal to bully the animal.
I think by now most of us are familiar the Stanford Prison Experiment of the 70s. If you’re not, here’s a very interesting read that will pretty much reinforce everything we already know about prison guards.
It takes a certain type of mentality to choose to become a prison guard. To be fair, there are a few good ones–emphasis on the word “few.” The rest, well……
This article does not surprise me in the least. The way that they are trained, the way they think, the way they operate–it is only a matter of time before something like this happens. It’s not the first time, and won’t be the last.