Petition: Outlaw “Mugshot” Websites, Online “Reputation Management” firms and other Online Extortion Websites

“Mugshot” websites post arrest data, then demand a “Removal Fee” to have the mugshots/personal profiles removed. I have seen extortion fees of these websites range from $79 – $1,700 or higher. Often after the extortion fee is paid, they do not remove the info. or pass it along to another mugshot website. These websites display mugshots/profiles of people who were arrested but never convicted of any crime, people who were convicted then had their conviction overturned, or had their records expunged and even people who are now deceased. Currently Georgia, Utah, Florida, Texas, Oregon and Illinois have either proposed or passed legislation to ban this online extortion scheme. Lawsuits have emerged from Ohio, Michigan, California, Washington, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oregon, Arizona, Illinois. Sign Petition (at least 150 are needed to make this publicly searchable on “We the People”)

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In addition they post CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION. It’s ridiculous that they can get away with this. They ares setting people up to be harassed.

yeah they found me on my employers youtube account in a video and posted the site with my mugshot and conviction trying to get me fired. they are very evil and getting away with blackmail. only 15 have signed so it doesn’t look like enough people care.. has any Californians had it removed yet through court?

i was removed from megans law and now have to deal with these creeps!!??

Ten days and there are only 30 signed on this. That’s only 3 per day…there’s no way it will get the needed number of signatures in time at this rate. Only 5 from California??? Why isn’t this getting more publicity and why aren’t we all signing it? EVERY RSO and all their family members of voting age in the country should be signing this petition! If we want change, we have to fight for it, not hide in the shadows and just hope someone does it for us!

I signed the petition. So, someone is going to find out I don’t like extortion or harassment? If the Government is going to require new conditions on us every time the public gets scared, then it should also put in place more protections for us and our families. I had my name published in the local rag with 30 other RSO’s a few years back. Made me not want to go outside. Had to. The same government, through its recidivism prevention program psychologists, told me I needed to keep a job, have active family and social connections – even to keep politically active to help self esteem. Looks like it is up to us to change things. You won’t hear about our civil rights on Democracy Now, Free Speech TV or in The Nation, let alone in any mainstream media. Thank providence for the ACLU and the EFF. But they can’t do everything.

Perhaps you would take into consideration that this forum is open to non-registrants as well as people on the SOR. The thumb clicks are not necessarily friendlies or genuine commentary. Remember, there is no sanctuary.

These sites are pure scamster sites and must be combated. And on the national level, because this is a ground-breaking area in terms of legal understanding.

The petition seems to have disappeared from the WH website.

Anyway, I am here (as poster “BillG” mentioned) as a “click-through”. But it is an issue that impacts you regardless of the nature of your arrest!