Aljazeera America: Florida toughens laws detaining sex offenders indefinitely for crimes they haven’t yet committed
In Arcadia, a town of 6,000 east of Sarasota, there’s a facility wrapped in sky-high barbed wire, where no one can choose to get in or out. This isn’t a prison, and its residents aren’t serving a sentence. It’s the Florida Civil Commitment Center, home to 650 men whom the state fears could molest, assault or rape again if released. Full Article (with video)
Hey. If it saves one child’s life, commit the perpetrators of General Motors fualty ignition swithes to a mental institution.
I notice that Arcadia, the town were the civil commitment facility is located, has a population of 6000. I wonder if that population grew to that number after the opening of the civil commitment facility. I also notice that there are plans to add a wing or acquire a private prison to enlarge their population. I would guess that many private investors, advocate groups, and other professions are actively lobbying to make this happen. I would also guess that the civil commitment facility is the major employer in this region.
I feel real pain whenever a child is harmed but I also become enraged when the problem is treated as an excuse to further the Prison Industry!
It’s good to see a major news service has picked up on the redneck states ill conceived, over the top draconian and unconstitutional oppression of people on the registry. It’s too bad most of the people in this country consider Al-jazeera the next best thing to the taliban (taliban and all the others created by cia) thanks to the US propaganda during the second gulf war. The US even destroyed their news room in Baghdad with a missile strike, killing several of their journalist’s.
Even if this isn’t picked up on here in Amerika at least the rest of the world will know; hell, the rest of the world knows more about what goes on in Amerika than the American people do anyway. I’m sorry about the kid that was murdered, but they have the perpetrator, and now they are going to commit who knows how many people because of this and a few other acts. These people are insane; they think they can predict the future, how stupid. And the “if it saves one child lady/monster and the molest victim/monster too, knew how many lives their little vendettas have been destroyed because of their narcissistic fantasy land point of view; well, you get the point. This is not justice, this is tyranny. I still think that state needs to be blown off of the map.
Frankly the world existed long before there was a sex offender list or even such a thing as sex offenses…and was just fine. Save 1 child…sorry but that tired old line is simple STUPID and unrealistic.
The only way to assure that something doesn’t happen to ALL children is to take them away from their parents and that is not going to happen.
It is just part of the social nature of humans to interact with children and there will always be a certain percentage of “abuse” that happens. It is totally normal and trying to stop it completely is not only unrealistic but actually unnatural as well.
The USA needs to come out of the mental bubble of stupidity that it seems to exist in and face reality. Locking people up just to make jobs, creating crimes for the police to justify their budgets, and keeping the illusion of safety doesn’t make it right or even reality!
Sorry to bust your Disney World mentality Florida…
I have trees dying due to the drought induced by the changing climate, but am consoled by the thought that Florida will soon be drowned by the sea.
The government has this whole thing figured out – Let’s fix the economy!
STEP 1: Lock half of the population up OR put them on some registry that they can’t get off of for life and therefore need to be monitored.
STEP 2: Pay the other half of the population to work in the police/prison workforce watching them.
Florida has always been used as a test state for these sort of things…got Bush “elected”…Right!
Looks like Minnesota but in Florida. This is already in many states unconstitutional. How many more events like this to show this is unconstitutional and above all is ILLEGAL in INTERNATIONAL LAW, THIS IS AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS!!! They have no proof of these civil commitment laws even work and is PUNITIVE PUNISHMENT. Federal court needs to step in and rule this as UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!