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One step at at time, but we are getting there thanks to Janice’s continuous efforts to fight for what is right. I can see a small light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m happy to hear about this. I live in a rural community and if I need to do “city things,” like going to the market, etc, I have to drive about 10 – 15 miles in either direction. If I go north I’ll stay in San Bernardino County, and if I go south I’ll be in Riverside county after I travel about 3/4 of a mile.

I’m mostly inclined to head south into Riverside County because there is so much more; such as Palm Springs and the entire Coachella Valley with all it’s cities. Every time I go to Desert Hot Springs I have been unknowingly committing a potentially crime because the only ways into town have a school or child care center I have to drive past. I’ve had to stop at red lights near both of these places, which are well within 300 ft.

Most would think this not much of an issue because I’m driving a vehicle. I would have to disagree with those that think along those lines. I consider these laws a close to me in my face threat to the quasi freedom I have left. If anyone has ever seen someone have a mechanical failure (breakdown) at a traffic light or someone get red lighted by a cop at a traffic light the picture should start coming into focus.

There are a number of things beyond my control that could land me in jail or prison because of these now illegal laws. A flat tire in most cities could put you in violation either because of bus stops, video arcades, day care centers-etc, etc. I don’t think I’m over reacting. All I have to do is read the articles on this site or on the web to see the lunacy that accompanies these laws from misinformed people; perhaps I can now feel a little bit less of a leper.

Once again I thank Janice and Frank, as well as everyone else that fights for justice and a more sane society.

So I wonder does this change anything for persons still on parole who are not allowed to do certain things or if this only applies to those persons discharged. I only ask this because with Jessica law although they can enforce it as long as you get a stay from the court they do not enforce it.

This is kind of nuts. What if you live near a bus stop? Or, what if you have a terrible job and you can’t afford a car/you have to take the bus to work and the bus stop is near a children’s bus stop? DO you have to walk around the block to avoid it? What if the normal bus stop is 200 feet from the children’s bus stop? Or, what if you went to work when the kids already left for school and no children are present at their bus stop? What do you do? How do you know where children gather? What if you work at an arcade? Movie theater? Its terrible this is happening. IN summary, I an be a hard core gang member, drug dealer or ex convicted murderer and have more rights. Although, I might also be a sex offender from 20 years ago who got convicted of a misdemeanor now expunged and released on Summary Probation? WHo is more dangerous?

Is there an official ruling yet that Riverside County repealed its law banning Sex Offenders from Parks and Beaches?