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This is a sad commentary about how so many people view anyone and everyone on a sex offender registry as a monster. It is even sadder that a person used that view to commit violence upon someone who did her no harm. Many kudos to the police who arrested her and to the prosecutors who charged her for the violent acts she committed. Unfortunately, many police officers and prosecutors failed to do so. In conclusion, there is an important lesson for all registered citizens — keep your doors locked.

The woman is irrational to the point of committing violence. She should be required to take a year of therapy with a trained psychologist in violence prevention. She has no right to assault other people even if she doesn’t like them.
May I add: as a retired business person, I always try to give the other person the benefit of the doubt, even if I strongly suspect that, as they say, the person is “a few fries short of a happy meal”.

I notice that this article gave the Huffington Post another chance to go into detail about the VICTIM’S pending charges. Although the implication is that the alleged housebreaker, attacker was somehow justified in this crime, it is just more dirty, biased journalism!

A few things in this article…first, if the FBI spent two months investigating this guy for possession of child pornography, why are they putting so much effort into a possession case rather than putting all that effort into whoever produced it? Talk about focusing in the wrong direction!

Second, I’m glad for this guy that she didn’t bring a weapon with her when she admitted to wanting to kill him. As Janice said, he had never done her any harm, yet she wanted to kill him? That’s seriously, seriously messed up!

I just hope that she takes a plea deal, because I’m afraid too many will agree with her actions to get a conviction by jury.

I hope he sues her for assault in small claims court for at least $5000 and gets a restraining order against her sorry butt.

This criminal is a clinical social worker? How frightening!

This woman is dangerous and needs to be on a list as a potential stalker/murderer as she has already shown her neurotic aggression and assaulted someone!

This is exactly why lists should not exist. Too many nut jobs out there and it seems that we are seeing more and more of these wackos coming out of the woodwork and using RSO online listings are the place to pick their victims from!

How many innocent victims are going to be stalked and targeted by these crazy individuals?

Innocent register citizens who have fully paid any debt to society and are often not guilty of anything what so ever and just got caught up in a system that makes it nearly impossible to get out of!

Stores like this sicken me! Who will be next…you…me…one of our family members who is unlucky enough to answer the door when one of these nuts decides to strike?

I have had that happen to me. A women decided to stroll right into my back yard and started verbally assaulting me. I followed her out and got her license plate. I called the cops and they were going to arrest her but I decided not to press it. It was a lady who lived three blocks away. This was early on in the online bs. If it happens again I will have a much different approach and in looking back I should have pushed it.