Action Alert: CA Legislation Would Significantly Increase Duration of Protective Orders [UPDATED 5/26]

[UPDATED 5/26 WITH NEW CALL-IN NUMBER FOR THE HEARING ON 5/27] [UPDATED 5/22 WITH LOCAL SENATOR OFFICE PHONE NUMBERS] The California Senate Public Safety Committee has scheduled a hearing on Wednesday, May 27 at 9:00 AM during which Senate Bill 853 (SB 853) will be considered.  If the bill is passed, the duration of Protective Orders issued in cases involving sex offenses and other crimes would be significantly increased from a maximum of 10 years to life, depending upon the conviction for which a person is required to register. This…

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Comments Sought for Draft California Tiered Registry Forms

[ACSOL] The Criminal Law Advisory Committee of the the Judicial Council of California has prepared and released four draft forms to be used when the petitioning process of the Tiered Registry Law becomes effective in July 2021.  Comments regarding the draft forms is due to the Committee no later than June 9, 2020. The four draft forms include: Petition to Terminate Sex Offender Registration (CR-415), Acknowledgment of Receipt by Law Enforcement/District Attorney (CR-416), Response by District Attorney to Petition (CR-417) and Order on Petition (CR-418).  In addition, the Council has…

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NARSOL / ACSOL Phone Meeting March 29

NARSOL and ACSOL will once again join forces for a special Action News Alert phone meeting on the afternoon of Sunday, March 29, from 1 to 3 p.m. Pacific Time, 4 to 6 p.m. Eastern Time. A week ago, NARSOL issued a press release calling for all in-person verification checks of registrants to be suspended during the Coronavirus health crisis. On its blog, NARSOL is providing daily updates of where this is being done and where in-person visits are still required. During the phone meeting, ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci…

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Conference Call to Discuss Three Important Cases

NARSOL and ACSOL will have a three-hour conference call on March 2nd, beginning at 7:00 pm Eastern time. We will be discussing what’s likely to happen next in three important cases pending in Michigan, Georgia, and New Mexico. Hour 1: We will be discussing the recent decision in Michigan, which will soon bar that state from enforcing SORA on those whose conduct occurred before 2011. In addition, the court’s final order will severely limit enforcement of various provisions of SORA on the remaining registrants. Paul Reingold from the University of Michigan…

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ACSOL Lobby Day 2/11 — please keep calling and writing

Thanks to those who showed up on the 2/11 ACSOL Lobby Day, which focused on needed changes to the Tiered Registry Law that will take effect in 2021.  Changes included new tier assignments for those convicted of felony offenses involving illegal images and sexual battery as well as creation of an off-ramp for those assigned to the highest tier. We ask that you make phone calls or send letters supporting these changes to the office where we will meet,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “The messages to be delivered…

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Emotional Support Group Meeting January 25 in LA

Emotional Support Group meetings will be held for those convicted of a sex offense and their loved ones. This meeting, which is based upon the format of 12 Step meetings, provides registrants and their loved ones with an opportunity to discuss personal challenges and share their experiences, strengths and hopes, with each other. Attendance is limited to individuals required to register, family members, and friends. Media, law enforcement, parole, etc. are not allowed to attend meetings. There is no cost to attend. No reservations are required. Face-to-face and phone emotional…

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Invitation to participate in study on adults and youth with sex offenses

Note by Janice: This is a legitimate study being conducted by a legitimate organization in Los Angeles county. While some of the language used in the request may be overly sensitive it is up to each individual to make a decision whether to participate.   [] My name is Luis and I am a researcher and the purpose of this is to inform you about a research project focused on “Improving Workforce Development Outcomes for Adults and Youth with Sex Offenses.” As part of California’s Workforce Accelerator Fund (WAF), Friends Outside in Los Angeles…

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ACSOL ACTION ALERT! Call Assy Approp. Committee to support CA Senate Bill 145

The calls you have made so far about CA Senate Bill 145 have made a dramatic difference in blocking Residency Restrictions! Great teamwork! You also helped LGBTQ registrants from being treated unjustly. They appreciate that! Your calls also have given ACSOL a huge increase in political credibility, especially in gratitude from Senator Scott Wiener for supporting SB 145, which affects a key constituent of his. Let’s keep the momentum going! We want to finish the last two steps in getting SB 145 passed to cement our political credibility. The next…

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Action Alert: AB 884 and SB 145 hearing on April 9 [4/8 UPDATE]

4/9/19 UPDATE: the Assembly Public Safety Committee–which will still be hearing AB 884 at 10:00 am on 4/9–announced they are changing the room number to Room 4202. 4/4/19 UPDATE: the Senate Public Safety Committee–which will be hearing SB 145–announced they are meeting at 8:30 am. That means we will meet at Starbucks from 7:30 am to 8:00 and walk over at 8:00. Both the SB 145 and AB 884 hearings are still meeting on April 9. The Assembly Public Safety Committee–which will be hearing AB 884–is still after 10:00 am.…

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How to carpool and get housing for our battle in Sacramento

We need as many people as possible to show up in Sacramento! We want well over 100 registrants, family, and supporters to show up. To help the maximum number of people attend, we need people who can, or wish to, carpool and/or share hotel rooms near the state capitol. Carpools will depart on Monday, April 8, from the cities in which we can find volunteer drivers. Everyone will rendezvous on Tuesday morning of the hearing. Please, do not be shy about taking action and asking for help or volunteering help!…

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ACSOL Meeting in Berkeley on Saturday, Feb 23

Please mark your calendars for ACSOL’s upcoming meeting in Berkeley: Saturday, Feb 23 10 a.m. Finnish Hall (upstairs meeting room) 1970 Chestnut Street Berkeley Attendance is limited to individuals required to register, family members, and friends. Media, law enforcement, parole, etc. are not allowed to attend meetings. The meetings start at 10 am and last about 2-3 hours. Topics of conversation include information about ACSOL’s advocacy as well as current topics and pending legal action. Please Show up, Stand up, and Speak up!

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Reminder of NARSOL’s helpline open on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day

For everyone who may be feeling more lonely and depressed as Christmas draws nearer, NARSOL wishes to remind you of our fully staffed helpline opening at 7 a.m. eastern time on Christmas Eve. The volunteers who will be manning the lines all have intimate knowledge of what being on the registry is like and how difficult holidays can be, and they are happy to “be there” for anyone who needs a listening ear. Here are the details: The holiday helpline will be open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. eastern…

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Action Alert: ACSOL Organizing State Capitol Meetings (February 5)

The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) is organizing meetings in the State Capitol with newly elected members of the Assembly and Senate in Sacramento on Tuesday, February 5. Training for the meetings will be held at the ACSOL offices located at 1215 K Street, 17th Floor, starting at 9 a.m. “Registrants, family members and supporters are encouraged to join ACSOL in these meetings,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “The meetings are a unique opportunity to educate elected officials and their staff about the facts regarding registrants including…

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ACSOL Emotional Support Group Meeting in L.A. on Saturday, Sept 22

ACSOL will conduct an Emotional Support Group for registrants and their loved ones. They are usually held the fourth Saturday of each month, so this year they are planned for: Sep 22, Oct 27, Nov 24, Dec 22   The next meeting is Saturday, Sept 22, beginning at 10 a.m. at: ACLU Building 1313 W. 8th Street Los Angeles Free parking is available under the building and there is no charge to attend the meeting. The meeting, which is based upon 12 Step principles, will provide registrants and their loved…

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ACSOL Meeting in Berkeley on Sat, Sept 15

Please mark your calendars for ACSOL’s upcoming meeting in Berkeley: Sept 15 10 a.m. Finnish Hall (upstairs meeting room) 1970 Chestnut Street Berkeley Registrants, friends and family and interested service providers are invited to attend these free meetings. There will be no law enforcement or media present in order to protect everyone’s privacy. The meetings start at 10 am and last about 2-3 hours. Topics of conversation include information about ACSOL’s advocacy as well as current topics and pending legal action. Please Show up, Stand up, and Speak up!

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Action Alert: CA Dept. of State Hospitals Schedules Hearing on Sept. 20

The California Department of State Hospital (DSH) will conduct a public hearing on September 20 for the purpose of considering proposed amendments to regulations that limit patients” possession of, or access to, electronic property. The hearing will begin at 2 p.m. at 1600 9th Street Room 100 Sacramento ACSOL will be attending the meeting. We look forward to you joining us to stand for and write for those incarcerated in Dept of State Hospitals like Coalinga. If we only stand up for issues that directly affect us, unity is lost.…

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