ACSOL will host an Emotional Support Group for registrants and their loved ones on Saturday June 23, 10 a.m. at: ACLU Building 1313 W. 8th Street Los Angeles Free parking is available under the building and there is no charge to attend the meeting. The meeting, which is based upon 12 Step principles, will provide registrants and their loved ones with an opportunity to discuss personal challenges.
Read MoreCategory: Action Items
Janice’s Journal: Three Opportunities in Thirty Days
We have three opportunities during the next 30 days to Show Up – Stand Up – Speak Up. Our first opportunity is in Sacramento on April 24 when the Senate Public Safety Committee will consider Senate Bill 1143. If passed, that bill would require registrants convicted of an offense involving a minor to disclose their status as a registrant to potential landlords as well as to home sellers if the property is within one-quarter mile of a school or a park. The penalty for not making such a disclosure is…
Read MoreCA: May 9 Hearing Scheduled for Bill That Would Disenfranchise SVP’s
The Assembly Elections and Redistricting Committee is scheduled to hear AB 2839 which, if passed, would disenfranchise hundreds of men who are otherwise eligible to vote and have been designated sexually violent predators at Coalinga State Hospital. The hearing will take place on May 9 at 9 a.m. in Room 444 of the State Capitol. “ACSOL encourages its members to attend this hearing in order to protect the voting rights of almost one thousand registrants,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. AB 2839 was introduced by Assembly member Dr. Joaquin…
Read MoreEmotional Support Group Meeting – March 31, Los Angeles
ACSOL will host an Emotional Support Group for registrants and their loved ones on Saturday March 31, 10 a.m. at: ACLU Building 1313 W. 8th Street Los Angeles Free parking is available under the building and there is no charge to attend the meeting.
Read MoreBay Area Support Group Meeting – Dec 23
This peer-led support group was started by a registrant in LA to provide a supportive community for people struggling to succeed under the challenges of sex offense registration. The support group is open to people who are required to register as well as their loved ones. Meetings are confidential and free to attend. SATURDAY DECEMBER 23, 12 PM 2921 ADELINE ST., BERKELEY NEAR ASHBY BART GROUP KEY GOALS Create a safe and non-judgmental environment where we can share our experiences, strengths, and hopes. Help each other overcome obstacles and unjust laws…
Read MoreCA: Family Law Clinic for People with Records
We (Root & Rebound) are excited to announce our first-ever Family Law Clinic for people with criminal records. We will be offering one-on-one appointments with our reentry attorneys for any person with a criminal record who needs help with issues related to family law. Date: December 2, 2017 Time: 10 am – 4 pm Location: 1730 Franklin St., Suite 300, Oakland, CA 94612 At this clinic, get help with family law issues like: Understanding your rights in family court, probate court, or dependency court as a person with a criminal…
Read MoreACSOL to Host Conference on June 15 and 16, 2018
ACSOL will host its second annual conference on June 15 and June 16, 2018, at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles. The conference will focus upon important issues such as the International Megan’s Law and the Tiered Registry as well as employment and housing. “The second conference will build upon the success of the inaugural conference and address the issues of greatest importance to registrants and their loved ones,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. Confirmed speakers for the 2018 conference include law professors Ira Ellman and Catherine Carpenter, sociologist Emily Horowitz…
Read MorePOSTPONED: ACSOL will NOT fight bad parole conditions in L.A. 11/27
The date for the hearing in the ACLU case which was originally scheduled for Nov. 27 in Los Angeles has been delayed due to government request, so we will not be at the courthouse on Nov 27. There is not yet a new date. We will notify you as soon as we know what the new hearing date will be.
Read MorePhone Meeting to Discuss New Tiered Registry Law (9/26, RECORDING UPLOADED)
ACSOL will conduct a phone meeting on Tuesday, September 26, at 5 p.m. to discuss the new Tiered Registry Law. The 90-minute meeting will begin with an overview provided by attorneys Janice Bellucci and Chance Oberstein followed by questions and answers. To join the meeting, call 1-712-770-8055 and then key in access code 983459. Listen / Download call
Read MoreCA Action Alert: Make Calls! Appropriations Committee to Consider SB 421 on Sept 1
The Assembly Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider the Tiered Registry Bill (SB 421) on Friday, September 1. The Committee will review dozens of that bills that day and determine which bills to release from the Suspense File. Bills not released from the Suspense File will no longer be viable. Bills released from the Suspense File will sent to the Assembly floor for consideration during the period September 5 through September 15. “The Tiered Registry Bill faces an important hurdle on September 1,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “It…
Read MoreCA Action Alert: Support SB 421 – Call Assy Approp. Committee
The CA Assembly Appropriations Committee will be hearing the Tiered Registry bill—Senate Bill 421–on August 23. For many reasons, ACSOL is not planning on attending this hearing and we do not recommend you attend either. However, all registrants and supporters should call ALL the Assembly Appropriations Committee members at their Sacramento office. Here is a link to the members and their phone numbers: The deadline for calling is August 22, the day before the hearing. Tell the staff person that you know the Assembly Member will hear the bill in…
Read MoreEmotional Support Group meeting – Aug. 26 in L.A.
ACSOL will conduct an Emotional Support Group for registrants and their loved ones on Saturday, August 26, beginning at 10 a.m. at: ACLU Building 1313 W. 8th Street Los Angeles Free parking is available under the building and there is no charge to attend the meeting.
Read MoreCA Action alert: Join us at CDCR Hearing on Sept 1 on Prop 57 to help our incarcerated brothers
Petition and Complaint Regulations – July 2017 The CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) will conduct a hearing on Friday, September 1, during which the public has an opportunity to comment on proposed regulations which attempt to implement Prop. 57. The hearing is scheduled to be held: 9 a.m. to noon 1416 Ninth Street Dept. of Water Resources Building Auditorium Sacramento “The proposed regulations issued by CDCR are unlawful because they prohibit registrants and others from the benefits of Prop. 57,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. Prop.…
Read MoreJanice’s Journal: Freedom from Tyranny of the Registry
Today we sit on top of a mountain. We take a short rest after an arduous journey up a steep path. We gather strength. We gather numbers. We prepare for what we believe will be the final legs of a journey for many who will reach freedom…..freedom from the tyranny of the sex offender registry. Our journey began six years ago when a brave elected official, Tom Ammiano, introduced the first tiered registry bill. He saw the truth, that the requirement to register is not a mere administrative requirement, but instead is punishment. Despite the…
Read MoreAppropriations Committees to Consider AB 558, SB 26 and SB 421
Three bills of great importance to registrants and their loved ones will be heard soon by the relevant Assembly or Senate Appropriations Committees. The Assembly Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider AB 558 (internet exclusions) on May 10 and the Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider both SB 26 (school campus visits) and SB 421 (tiered registry) on May 15. Due to the large number of bills to be considered on each of those dates, the committee hearings will begin at 9 a.m. and could end at 5 p.m.…
Read MoreNew Author Announced for Tiered Registry Bill
Senator Scott Wiener (Democrat, San Francisco) has agreed to author the Tiered Registry Bill. As part of that decision, the Senator gutted a prior bill he previously introduced, Senate Bill 421, and amended that bill with the language of the original Tiered Registry Bill. “We thank Senator Scott Wiener for his courage in deciding to be the new author of the Tiered Registry Bill,” stated Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “His decision could increase public safety by making more efficient use of government resources.” The Tiered Registry Bill recently attracted the…
Read MoreACSOL Conference to Identify Solutions to Daily Challenges Faced by Registrants
ACSOL will host a conference on June 16 and 17 in Los Angeles focused upon solutions to daily challenges faced by U.S. registrants, family members, and those who support them. The conference will address topics of interest to registrants and family members throughout the nation such as housing, employment, domestic and international travel, parole and probation conditions, as well as post-conviction relief. “This conference was created for you, the registrant and your family members. It was not created for professionals in this field. You will be immersed in a supportive…
Read MoreSenate Schools Bill (SB 26) Amended – HEARING April 25
HEARING DATE: April 25 – Senate Public Safety Committee at 8:30 a.m. in Room 3191 (as of 4/8) Sen. Connie Leyva has amended again Senate Bill 26 (SB 26) which would affect whether and when registrants could visit school campuses. As amended, the bill would require registrant parents to be supervised by a school official when they visit a school campus. In addition, the bill would limit visits by registrants who are not parents to times when students are not present. “The bill, as amended, would harm children by effectively denying…
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