California RSOL will meet in San Francisco on Saturday, November 12, to discuss issues of concern to RSO’s, family members, and friends. The meeting will be held at Unity Church, 2222 Bush Street, San Francisco and begin at 10 a.m. The meeting is free and will include presentations by attorneys, psychologists, and researchers. There is no need to register for the event, but additional information is available by contacting state organizer Janice Bellucci either via E-mail at or via phone at (805) 896-7854.

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Editor’s Note: This is a copy of a press release issued to the media by CA RSOL on October 25: Riverside County’s Halloween Ordinance Violates U.S. Constitution The ordinance recently adopted by Riverside County which prohibits “sex offenders” from celebrating Halloween in their own homes violates the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, the ordinance abridges the First Amendment right to free speech of anyone convicted of a sex-related crime (“sex offenders”) by prohibiting them from decorating their homes inside or outside in celebration of Halloween as well as displaying decorative lighting and…

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TESTIMONIAL: Registrant speaks out

Editor’s Note: At the request of the registrant, his name is being withheld, however, he granted CA RSOL permission to share the following letter which he wrote after the October 1 meeting in Los Angeles. Last week I attended a meeting of a group of lawyers, educators and other advocates committed to reforming the sex offender laws in California and other states. These laws deprive registrants of Megan’s Law and similar laws of their constitutional rights for the remainder of their lives. Attending this meeting were also a number of…

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