UK: Shanklin sex offender had cartoon-porn depicting child sex abuse

[ – 4/4/21] A REGISTERED sex offender who had cartoon-pornography depicting child abuse on his hard drive has appeared in court. Hilary _______, 79, of Grange Road, Shanklin, appeared before the Isle of Wight Crown Court on Thursday. At a previous hearing at the Isle of Wight Magistrates’ Court on February 9, he admitted possession of a prohibited image of a child. Prosecutor, Kelly Brocklehurst, told the court Hilary _______,’ case was an unusual one, in that the images found were cartoon-like ­— pseudo images. He said Hilary _______,, subject…

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Best Buy defends practice of informing FBI about child porn it finds

[] years Nearly 200 pages of documents released Tuesday by the Electronic Frontier Foundation show that Best Buy’s top officials have “enjoyed a particularly close relationship” with the FBI for at least a decade, if not longer. The filings were obtained by the advocacy organization as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit in an attempt to better understand how the retail chain sometimes uses its “Geek Squad” tech support service to aid law enforcement. In a document from 2008, the FBI’s Louisville, Kentucky, division is described as having…

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