Results of punitive, ineffective laws drafted out of unfounded fears

Source: 11/18/21 I was at the registration office and due to COVID was told to sit outdoors, a ways back from where the glass intake door is. You cannot hear what is going on there, but you can see as you sit and wait in line. As I waited, I saw that the man that was registering was escorted inside the glass door and placed in handcuffs. And I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. I felt as if a brother in our cause was being imprisoned… again. So…

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SD: Transient man sentenced to 78 months in federal prison for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender in South Dakota

Source: 10/19/21 A transient man convicted of failure to register as a sex offender has been sentenced by a federal court judge in South Dakota. 55 year old Daniel James Cooper must spend 78 months in federal prison, followed by five years of supervised release. He was also ordered to pay $100 to the Federal Crime Victims Fund. Read the full article  

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FL: Urgent call to action – Stop Senate Bill 1226 and House Bill 1301

[UPDATED 3/10/18] H1301/SB1226 Passes by Florida Action Committee Sadly, but not surprisingly, the Florida Legislature passed another stupid, punitive and unnecessary sex offender bill that will only enrich those in private prisons, the GPS vendors and the Books. Read more   [] THE TIME IS NOW! ITS OUR LAST SHOT AT TRYING TO STOP THIS! WE NEED 100’s of calls to each of these legislators! There are 120 Representatives in the House and 40 Senators in the Senate!! WE MUST CALL THEM ALL! GET YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO CALL…

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