Man Offers First Class Seat To Child In Coach, American Airlines Suspects He’s A Predator

Source: 2/23/23 An American Airlines ConciergeKey passenger, one of the carrier’s top customers, shared to social media that they were flying from Portland to Dallas on Tuesday’s flight 2655 and wound up suspected of being a child predator – because they tried to do a good deed, giving up their first class seat for an unaccompanied minor seated in coach. They were heading to Dallas to connect to a British Airways flight to London. Pre-boarding (since ConciergeKey members board ahead of first class, even), they noticed “a very young…

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TSA Precheck Available to Most Registrants

[ACSOL] TSA precheck is available to most people who have been convicted of a sex offense.  In fact, the only registrants who are categorically excluded from the TSA precheck are those convicted of rape or aggravated assault. The list of those who are not eligible for TSA precheck includes, but is not limited to, individuals on a terrorist watchlist as well as those who have been convicted of espionage, sedition, treason, murder and transporting explosives.  In addition, the TSA has a list of interim disqualifying criminal offenses including, but not…

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Federal Government Publishes Proposed Changes to SORNA

[ACSOL] The federal government yesterday published in the Federal Register proposed changes to the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).  The changes encompass a total of 93 pages and include a wide range of topics, including retroactivity, tier levels, professional licenses and travel (both domestic and international).  Replies to the proposed regulations are due no later than October 13, 2020. According to the proposed regulations, SORNA will apply to all individuals convicted of a sex offense, including those convicted before it was enacted.  The federal government claims to have…

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When a Sex Offender Comes to Visit: A National Assessment of Travel Restrictions

The present study examines the registration requirements for sex offenders traveling from their resident state to another state for business or pleasure. The author contacted each state’s primary SORN office to obtain the necessary registration requirements for non-resident sex offenders, as well as where and how non-resident sex offenders can obtain this information prior to visiting that state. The findings indicate that registration requirements and residence restrictions vary significantly by state for non-resident registrants. While not surprising given that numerous studies have highlighted that sex offender policies produce unique and…

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ACSOL’s Conference Call on October 12 – Domestic Travel

ACSOL’s first conference call will be on Wednesday, October 12, at 5 p.m. Pacific time. The topic of the call will be “Domestic Travel: Rules of the Road for Registrants” and the call will follow the same format as the 9/29 IML call. Dial-in number: 1-712-770-8055 Conference Code: 983459. ***corrected on 10/12. Moderator*** I look forward to having you call in. Sincerely, Janice ***Listen to the Call Recording*** added 10/19 ***ACSOL Conference Call Discussions***

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Canada: Stephen Harper announces tougher measures against sex offenders

VANCOUVER — The federal government acted to get even tougher on child predators at home and abroad as Prime Minister Stephen Harper unveiled plans Monday for a publicly-accessible national sex offender registry and a law forcing convicted sex offenders to alert Canadian authorities before they travel internationally. Under the Conservatives’ Tougher Penalties for Child Predators Act, to be introduced in Parliament this fall, convicted sex offenders and their parole and probation officers must notify police of any international travel plans. Police would inform Canadian border guards who would then —…

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Draft law banning pedophiles from entering Russia submitted to Duma

MOSCOW, September 16 (RAPSI) – United Russia lawmaker Alexander Sidyakin proposed the imposition on foreign child molesters of a 50-year ban on entry into Russia, and submitted a draft law on the matter to the State Duma for review. The proposed amendments would effectively bar foreigners from entering Russia if they were prosecuted for sexually abusing children in Russian Federation or abroad. The ban would also include individuals convicted of having produced child pornography or participated in child prostitution. The bill’s sponsor claims that he enjoys the support of Russia’s…

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