NY: Danger to society: Shouldering the cost of housing sex offenders

Sex offenders virtually “disappear” in civil confinement, undergoing long rituals of behavioral and psychological therapy, from pinpointing and managing sexual arousal factors to polygraph tests uncovering dark sexual histories.

If successful, they can be released into the community under intensive supervision. If unsuccessful and still deemed a public risk, they can remain in confinement — indefinitely. And while some in the public see this as a plus, concerns are already being raised by state officials about the sustainability and cost of a program that continues to grow in numbers with few success stories to cite. Full Article

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Lol…no success stories because nobody is let out!

That comments section… smh

It’s like a microcosm of society. In the article, it cites that less than 1 percent of those registered go to the Psych Facilities, but commentor believes ALL registrants go to the Psych ward despite the actual fact stated of how much of the registrant population goes there. Also, near the conclusion of the article, it states a 9.9% (awfully high compared to CASOMB’s less than 1%) recidivism rate for the treated offenders. I suppose that doesn’t include offenders who don’t need treatment.

So… until the SCOTUS fixes their totes obvee mistake of “high and frightening” which has caused an unnecessary backlash on a specific community to where an Angel program was created and the IML places even more limitations, the masses will believe the fear b/c it’s louder than the truth.

First fight first…

The Civil Commitment option should help the rest of us abolish the registry scheme because that commitment is the narrowly tailored way to deal with those that are a danger to society, and is granted by the court system. The registry on the other-hand, bypasses the court system completely and creates a secondary system that essentially violates separation of powers by having the legislation dictate punishment, protection of public, and re-integration without the fairness of judges and appeal options.

After we get the registry abolished we can focus on getting those out of Civil Commitment that should get out.