From Perverts to Pranksters: Problems with Sex Offender Registries

Just hearing the term “sex offender” elicits an almost visceral feeling of disgust in most people, so it’s not surprising that laws regarding sex offenders tend to only get tougher. These laws usually have been passed in reaction to a high-profile sex-related crime, often bearing the names of the victims (e.g., Megan’s Law, the Adam Walsh Child Protection Act). Accordingly, a vote against the law is seen as a vote against the victim. Legislative hearings include highly emotional testimony from victims of sex crimes, but predictably few arguments from the…

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Video: Help For Sex Offenders

I created this video because there are a lot of guys out there who are on the registered sex offender list, whether by fault of their own or not. One thing all Registered Sex Offenders or RSOs have in common is the hardships that many of the draconian laws stack on top of them. I hope the information in this video reaches many of you and helps you to not only survive but thrive in life. God bless! Youtube Link

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