Simi Valley sex offender law on track for Halloween [updated with video]

The Simi Valley City Council on Monday night introduced the latest version of a proposed Halloween law aimed at protecting trick-or-treating children from having contact with sex offenders.

As initially put forth, the ordinance applied to all 119 of the city’s registered sex offenders. The version introduced at Monday night’s council meeting limited the application of the proposed law just to those convicted pedophiles living in Simi Valley who are publicly listed on the Meagan’s Law website. Full Article

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I’ve just read the revisions Simi Valley has proposed to this law. Its rather disturbing to think that those Serious or High Risk Sex Offenders are already on the Megan’s Web Site for all to see and yet the CIty of Simi Valley is still proposing to rub it in their faces again and pass an unconstitutional law! I can completely comprehend the cities focus upon protecting the population of their city, but come on. How about the individuals who have been convicted of DUI’s? Don’t they pose a more serious threat with the possibility they might get into their car on Halloween and possibly run over a child or parent? Shouldn’t we ban them from driving on Halloween as well? Or, maybe we should now require all of those individuals who have been convicted of DUI’s to drive around with a special license plate for the first offense and require those with a 2nd or 3rd offense to post a sign on their vehicle warning those around them? Doesn’t that make sense?

Usa… I think you have a very valid point. Im in northern california, but still called simi valley city council to voice my opinion before the meeting yesterday. We need to build a broader membership base and make sure we can get every registrant involved. It’s not those who are on the registry the public has to worry about, it’s those who havent been caught yet.

I watched this video twice. Where were the supporters for Simi Valley? Not one person there to address all the myths and lies. Shameful. How I wish I lived close, as I would have loved to have attended. The Mayor, the City Attorney and the Police Chief were most likely trying to gain brownie points since they knew they were being video taped. What Grandstanding, what uneducated fools they are. These are important people who goven??? Then are they this stupid and uneducated about all things of importance? Is there anyone out there as outraged as I am?
This video needs to be seen by the world.

@JM – perhaps Cerritos is closer to you? CA RSOL will be there on Thursday 8/23.