A former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy assigned to the Marina del Rey station was sentenced on Friday to serve 90 days in jail for having sexual relations with an underage girl. Kenneth Alexander, 46, will also be on supervised probation for five years and attend a year of sex offender counseling. He must also stay away from the victim, who was 15 years old at the time of the first incident in 2011, and her mother. He also must not posses any weapons while on probation. Full Article (MDR…
Read MoreDay: September 17, 2012
You can request to have your address removed from online mapping services
Did you know you can request your home address be removed from Google, Yahoo, Bing and other mapping services? Well you can, and we recommend you do it for your own safety, especially if you are wearing the “sex offender” label. Many online registries use these mapping services, and if you request yours be removed, then it will also be unmappable from the many registries as well. Below is a link for Google Maps, but other mapping services have a similar process: http://tinyurl.com/9tsedws Instructions
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