CA RSOL Meeting in Los Angeles – Nov 10

California RSOL will return to Los Angeles on November 10 at 10 am and will meet at the same location, the ACLU building at 1313 W. 8th Street. Meetings are open to registrants, family members, and supporters but closed to media and government officials.

There is free parking and privacy. As always, we will share information about recent laws, court decisions, etc.

Admin Note: the comments from previous meetings are below, as they might answer some questions re. the meetings.

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How long are these meetings for? I would like to attend, but work till 1:00 p.m., and will have to take a couple of MTA buses (and the Blue Line!) to get to the location. Will anyone still be around in the mid-afternoon?

Comment from JB: Meetings of CA RSOL usually begin at 10 a.m. and end about noon. Often people choose to stay after the meeting to exchange information and to network. We tried afternoon meetings and found that fewer people attended them.

— Being unable to attend the meeting does not mean one cannot get involved… check “Get Involved” on this site or get in touch via the ‘Contact’ page. Admin

I’m interested in attending the meeting. Can anyone join?

All registrants, family members and supporters are welcome to attend. We will check identification at the door.

We will be there. I assume you simply check ID’s .. Like drivers license, right?

Yes, MM. Bring a picture ID with you to the meeting.

Here is an interesting story for you! I’m still in shock! I was visiting SF this weekend and headed downtown and look to my right (there are a group of men/several) and see several men completely naked in a circle with a man in the middle discussing something? This was obviously a gay area, but I’ve never seen or known anything to exist like this? I was in shock and had 2-young children in the car! Where we’re the police (indicent exposure)! Then, I drive a bit further and there is another man (clearly not homeless) just crossing the street completely naked? I’m still in complete and totals shock? If this were in LA, the men would have been locked up or evaluated? This just made me think, where is society going? Furthermore, something needs to change with regards to the laws being proposed by these cities? In essence, you can now live in OC and have no idea what the law is in Irvine if you live in Anshiem? This Is getting out of control! Or, what if you live in SF?

Did you know this week is “Freedom of Speech Week”? I didn’t, just heard it on the radio this morning … Interesting, I guess it applies to everyone BUT a certain group of people (and some deservedly so, however, for many they are fathers, mothers, brothers, sister, aunts, uncles who once made a mistake long, long ago and have to live forever as though they are still on “parole”, being questioned, tracked and unable to simply move forward with their lives … gosh I hope this changes sooner than later!!

Based on all the new information … I hope to see many more folks on Saturday!!

It seems every time there is a meeting I’m out of town. I would be interested in knowing if there will be a revival of AB 625 or similar legislation. I would like to see judges make the decisions on who needs lifetime registration where everyone gets a chance to be re-evaluated.

I hope some discussion time can be devoted to