Simi Valley City Council Meeting – 9/10 [Halloween Ordinance]

City Council meetings are held on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 2929 Tapo Canyon Road, Simi Valley, California 93063 (map).

September 10, 2012

6D. Second reading of Ordinance No. 1201 adding Title 5, Chapter 43, to the Simi Valley Municipal Code establishing restrictions on registered sex offenders on October 31 of each year (Baxter) (CC)

Staff Report

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Despite comments from four people in opposition to this Halloween ordinance, the City Council voted 4 to 1 in favor of prohibiting some registrants from decorating their home for Hallween and requiring the posting of a sign warning others from trick or treating at the home they live in and/or own. Of those speaking in opposition to the ordinance, one was a registrant who told the Council members that his children would be harmed if the ordinance were passed. Another speaker was the wife of a registrant who has lived in her current home for more than 40 years. Frank Lindsay and Janice Bellucci of CA RSOL also spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance stating that there are no reported cases of a child being assaulted by a stranger on Halloween night while trick or treating. No one from the public testified in support of the ordinance.

I’ve honestly never heard of such a thing! Truly. ITs very disturbing and rather thought provoking to think that a city can tell someone what to do on their property and prohibit them from participating in Holiday Festivities due to a criminal conviction? Its unheard of and very disturbing to think this is happening? 10-years ago, no one could or would even believe this is possible!