Sex offender suit against Ayer, police chief, gets underway

BOSTON – A civil rights suit launched by a local couple against the Town of Ayer and it’s police chief began Tuesday in U.S. District Court. Level 3 sex offender ____ ____, 39, and his wife ____ ____ , 23, seek to overturn as unconstitutional a new Ayer by-law that restricts where Level 2 and 3 sex offenders may live and loiter, and to stop the Ayer police from enforcing the bylaw against ____ ____ . Full Article

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Orange County Pervs-in-Parks Ban Violates State Constitution: Judicial Panel

[UPDATED with OCDA Reaction:] See the update at the end of this post with the district attorney’s reaction to the judicial panel’s decision and vow to continue fighting for the ordinance. The County of Orange ordinance that bars registered sex offenders from entering county parks and recreational areas has been ruled unlawful, according to a decision issued Nov. 15 by a panel of three Superior Court judges. The unanimous ruling does not apply to the ordinances several Orange County cities adopted at the urging of county Supervisor Shawn Nelson and…

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The ordinance passed by Orange County which prohibits all registrants from entering public parks, beaches, harbors and other recreational areas is unlawful, according to a panel of three Superior Court judges.  The unanimous decision was issued on November 15. According to this decision, the county ordinance violates the constitution of the State of California because it preempts existing state law which prohibits registrants from entering public parks but only if the registrant is on parole and offended against a child who is less than 14 years old.  That law is…

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