California RSOL will hold its first meeting in Bakersfield on February 9th, 2013. The meeting will focus upon issues of importance to registrants, such as residency restrictions and conditions of parole/probation, as well as family members. The meeting will be held at 925 17th Street, Bakersfield (please note address change on Nov 27) beginning at 10 a.m. There will be no media or government officials at the meeting. Attendance at the meeting is free. Hope to see you there!
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Thanks to Bruce, we have a location at which to meet in Bakersfield. Finding a location to meet is often a challenge and it is very helpful if individuals in or near that location can help us to identify a location. While California RSOL prefers meeting in locations where there is no rental fee, we are dedicated to meeting throughout the state and will pay a reasonable amount for meeting space. Please let us know if you would like CA RSOL to meet near you especially if you know of a reasonable meeting location. Thank you.
Glad to see you are able to meet in yet another location
Thank you so much for having a meeting at this location. I live one hour away and will have no problem going there. I am so grateful.
I have a sex charge and falsley charged becacause a kid was on an adult chat line @ 1am with some stupid obsesion with older men and she told the judge she lied to me to get to me- thee is no justice. In torrance California they will side with the female no matter who’s life they ruin
Hey hey hey, that’s a meeting that may be too “dangerous” to attend! My advice to any “attendees” that actually “do” show up is this: Please watch your backs. The way the communities are in pertaints to “sex offender issues” things could get real nasty real fast! For god sake, BE CAREFUL! I don’t think very many folks are going to show up…. they more than likely won’t have the “courage”, and no one can really blame them.
Also, the reason government officials and the media mind-control institution won’t be attending the meeting is that they systematically SHUN any and all constitutionalist groups who “side” with condemned sex monsters! The sex offenders of today are exactly IDENTICAL to the stigmatized “dirty jews” of Hitler’s Germany! Will there be a future “extermination” of these peoples? only time, frighteningly, will tell.*** Don’t think that a Nazi style “round-up” can’t happen here in the United ( increasingly SOVIET ) States?.. it happened to the Japanese!! Don’t believe me? GOOGLE it! Also google: “sex registries Nazi” and GET EDUCATED! Those on “the list” have a “LOT” to be worried about! You can also google “Fema Camps.” Adolph Hitler also had a “list” ( a much less advanced “offender-registration” system had already been in existence for some time leading up to the genocides that later occurred under Hitler.) But what do “I” know!? I’m just a whacked out “conspiracy kook! Advice: I don’t know what your spiritual leanings are, but if you believe in the supernatural at all, pray Psalms 23 and 91 ( psalm 91 is VERY powerful ) and take precautions to insure your safety. The community probably won’t take too kindly to your meeting. I wish you all the best. Ps: I will pray Psalm 91 on your behalf. Take care.
As an attendee at the last Los Angeles meeting. I can confirm it was a very safe, mature, warm and informative environment. I would encourage anyone who can make the Bakersfield meeting to attend. I was reluctant at first for some of the same fears, while not as extreme, rest assured I will be attending more and looking for other ways to participate. I’ts quite empowering for registrants who feel their life is already written and there is no hope.
@Fat Albert … We’ve been to the last three meetings in Los Angeles and have found them safe … Not sure what frightens you so … But, do know this, the first one was tough and felt intimidating to enter, after the second, easier … The third was the best … Finally a group where you feel safe and OK with who you are. Pray for courage.
@Fat Albert
When I went the to meeting in LA
There is no way of getting in without being escort by one of those guys.
the doors are locked unless you are escorted into maze and led to the right room.
We need one in Fresno.
Can we have a meeting in a backyard of someone home ?
I want to thank all who attended, & most of all Janice, Jon & Frank the Meeting went without a hitch was Warm & Informative I wanna Do another one as soon as Can My Wife & I enjoyed & appreciated Everyone That attended,,,,Thank You All!!;-)