Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of July 2013. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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hehehe first one to post!!! Wooohooo
To whoever is going through my posts and clicking thumbs down on every one of them regardless of what I say…THANK YOU! You have motivated me to post more and not just on this site. Thanks to your vile view of me, and possibly even this site and what it stands for, I’m more bold in declaring my opinions and standing up for what’s right when it comes to RSOs. If you wanted me to continue being more bold, more outspoken, and more supportive of the rights of RSOs, keep it up, it’s working!
Wishing all a HAPPY 4th of July holiday. Let us hope that someday soon the freedoms and privileges that all Americans are supposed to have as guaranteed by the Constitution will once again be given to ROS who have completed and paid their “debt” to society.
May we be given that second chance that all other Americans seem to be given without a second thought. I hope some day to be able to move around freely and pursue my right of happiness without the indignity and “legal” life long obligation of spending my birthday not celebrating but standing in a police station to register my information yet another year!
What a happy Freedom Day that will be for us all!
Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich raising hell over release of sex offender from Santa Clara County, bringing matter before the LA Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, July 9. Antonovich is yelling that they guy should have life without parole.
This appears to be a SO who had been in the post-prison psychiatric program for years, as he was released by a judge, not by the parole board. Being that that program is set up to make it nearly impossible for anyone to ever be released from it, the one or so who gets out every few years anyway has to be better than god to accomplish that. That would be who this guy is. And my god, you should see the draconian and oppressive conditions on his release, from having a regular escort with him, to wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet, to severe restrictions on where he can go, etc., etc. And all the SOR restrictions, of course.
But Antonovich clearly believes this guy from another county is a good one to exploit to boost himself by scaring the public all to hell. Watch for another law to be going through the Legislature after this hoopla.
As tough as the police are in Florida over RSO’s. They just discovered that the Lakeland, Fl Police Dept is a sexual cesspool. With officers sexually assaulting 1 women repeatedly. They say they cannot prosecute but that is hog wash. They should be put through the ringer just like anyone else for what they did.
Convicted sex offender jailed under $500,000 bail for failure to register his vehicles. I guess he must be a serious flight risk? Or was his victim a relative of the judge? I’m beginning to think our government has lost its grip on reality. Taking a man’s daughter, because he had a bullet in his truck? 22 yrs. for failure to register? Insanity! I’m afraid to ask “What next?”.,0,4475551.story
Back to looking for a job…. 4 jobs and the year is still new… I wonder if I can apply for disability for being a sex offender.. apparently it is stopping me from holding a stable job… a bit depressed tonight, no eligible for unemployment…
Shawnee County, Kansas
July 16, 2013
“District Judge Larry Hendricks concluded the Kansas Offender Registration Act “is effectively punitive” and “is excessive in relation to its alleged purpose of protecting public safety. These provisions have become oppressive to the point of punishment. Therefore, the KORA’s retroactive application assigns a new punitive measure to a crime already consummated in violation of the ex post facto clause.”
Nice. But its strictly a trial court judge, not an appellate ruling. I note, he decided this on his interpretation of the federal Constitution, not Kansas standards. Still, even SCOTUS has already ruled on the SOR and punishment, saying SOR is not punitive and can be applied retroactively. Of course, without finding and reading this opinion itself, perhaps there is something in the Kansas SOR laws that this judge decided was punitive that SCOTUS has not considered.
II wouldn’t get too elated about this, as the state will probably appeal it.
URL link in FAQ section. Was reading through the FAQ section and clicked on a link wanting to view the Megan’s Law exclusion form. Slightly horrified to realize I was being directed to the Megan’s Law site….a no no for RSOs. Is the PDF available somewhere else on the internet…somewhere other than the Megan’s Law site? If it is…maybe modify the link to take people that want to view or download the form to a site other than Megan’s Law.
Just to let you guys know, when registering, you may be expected to sign a new document. It is for the Sex Offender Tracking Program. I recently updated my registration and there was a detective who came out and talked to me and had me sign the new document. There is nothing new on it, but it did cause me to be nervous for a bit, after all, who of us ever feels comfortable when a detective comes to talk to us out of the blue!
Has anyone read about San Diego’s Mayor? This is the guy living in a city with some of the most stringent Sex Offender Ordinances? Very interesting.
What an interesting case. In 2005, George Pataki was the Governor of New York and wanted to commit sex offenders to mental hospitals after completion of their prison sentence. The state legislature would not pass the Governor’s initiative, but Governor Pataki was unimpressed with something as insignificant as legislative authority. He committed 127 sex offenders to a mental hospital following their sentence without any kind of court hearing or any kind of legislative authority.
Soon, the New York courts agreed that Pataki’s actions were illegal and released all of the sex offenders from the mental hospital. Some of the inmates ultimately sued Pataki and others in his administration for the violation of their civil rights.
Today a federal court found one of the defendants liable for the illegal incarceration, and determined that the damages to the sex offenders was $1.
Freedom is like sunshine. It falls equally on the rich and the poor, the young and the old, the good and the bad. I don’t really know how to put a value on freedom, but the jury in New York does. In New York, freedom is worth one dollar. The government can take you and put you in a mental institution and the courts may ultimately order your release, but your stolen freedom (in New York) will only be worth a dollar.
I guess freedom isn’t very important in New York.
Still….remains fact patacky…doesn’t matter spelling……administration
violated Constitutional Due Process as judge already ruled…….
patacky regime could have called it Stalin’s law….but someone
already took it……………..patacky program violated due process
rights that led to freedom to those held………good…..the failure
of the patacky regime will be their failure of public oath to defend
and support the Constitution for all ……….the New York legislature
understood that.
Tell our troops freedom is a “technicality “………..tell them to
inform the people in the country where battles of war exist that
freedom is ” technicality “………..tell that to the families of service
troop personnel when they come home either in person or
under draped colors of flag…….freedom is a “technicality “.
….go ahead former public employee sharon carpinello….tell them.
aloha all..i initially addressed this to Nick, but now to all the Cali community as well:
Aloha, Nick..
I have come across OAUF on line and today was catching up with Ca. RSOL. Reading your post about the implications of SB448, now that it has passed, let me be the first to welcome you to Hawaii. Specifically, Maui.
I am very serious, Nick.
Of all the states, HI is the only state as a registered citizen I can tolerate. From my reading and understanding there isn’t another state i would even consider moving to. No physical restrictions, no public notice. I have never been visited by cops on Maui, though others I know on Oahu have.
I am currently in civil litigation against the Maui Public Defender’s Office and Catholic Charities of Oahu, the organization responsible for the torture inflicted in the guise of “treatment.”
My attorney and I successfully overturned a corrupt judiciary’s revocation of probation. I was a model probationer. Everything current and in compliance. My problem was being intelligent. My offense? Placing my hand on the bare chest of my ex-girlfriend’s 11 y.o. daughter. My crime? being a black master social worker for over 30 years who had avoided the clutches of the penal gulag of america.
State v. Durham, 254 P.3d 425 (Haw. 2011)
Unable to find meaningful work, I am committed to opening a chapter of RSOL for Hawaii. You sound internet-based and self-sufficient. I tried, but yet to find a niche. I edit on line, provide conversational english to Russians, but nothing sustainable. My lawyer, my biggest supporter, like myself, is also an energetic healer. I have edited a book he has written on the Erchonia laser and the medical establishment’s refusal to accept the science and use the laser. Why? Pure economics and ignorance. as is the registry and so-called treatment.
My wife lives in Sweden. Money prevents us from being together year round. iSORNA is trying to take what little time we have together from us. We have been together only 3 months out of the last 20. Yet we survive through Skype.
We need community and a sense of place and self where change can occur.
Consider it. Consider Maui. At least come for a visit.
a hui hou (see you soon)
BTW, on a related issue, I have come to realize we also have another major issue of housing for registrants. Condos!
Condo associations get to check a buyer’s background and nix the sale. No condo association is ever going to OK the sale to anyone with a sex offense on the record, whether they are posted online or not!
This dramatically limits where we can live and whether we can ever be able to buy our own place! We need a law to protect us – we need a law that drastically restricts condo associations exercising such authority over sales. They should not be able to nix a purchase for any reason other than credit history suggesting the buyer would not manage to pay the condo dues.
This issue also extends to rentals. What landlord is going to run a background check (most are doing so now) and rent to a registrant?!
So, even getting rid of these laws, housing will still be very hard to find for registrants, even without any formal residency restrictions. We could find ourselves needing $800,000 to buy a tiny house (that’s what is it around me!), or be homeless because we can’t get into any condo or apartment. Condos are all that many people will ever be able to afford.