Lawsuit Challenges Sex Offender “No Candy” Halloween Signs (NBC)

An Orange County city will consider a provision in an ordinance that requires sex offenders to post signs outside their homes that indicate they do not have candy for Halloween trick-or-treaters.

The Orange City Council will meet Tuesday night to discuss the ordinance, which also bans sex offenders from displaying Halloween decorations, opening their doors to children and leaving lights on Halloween night.

Part of the ordinance requiring sex offenders to post signs on their front doors that read, “No candy or treats at this residence,” is the subject of a lawsuit filed Wednesday by California Reform Sex Offender Laws (CA RSOL). The lawsuit names the city of Orange, claiming the signs make sex offenders — and anyone else at the residence — marked targets. Full Article (with video)

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Wouldn’t you think that they would learn anything and I mean anything they are brain dead!!! Simi Valley tried this??? Hmmmm what is the definition of insanity do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome… I’m moving to Oklahoma to the conservative Bible belt country… hey they offer life at half the cost of living and forgiveness after you have paid your debt to society. Big amen to that!!!

Thanks to NBCLA for a balanced story on this volatile issue. It’s unfortunate that the City did not respond sooner to CA RSOL’s demand that they repeal the Halloween sign requirement. Early action could have precluded the filing of a lawsuit. We are hoping the City Council will do the right thing at its next meeting on Sep. 24 and repeal the sign requirement. As U.S. District Judge Percy Anderson ruled in last year’s challenge of a similar ordinance in Simi Valley, “The public interest is not served — indeed, it is undermined — by enforcement of an unconstitutional law singling out a discrete, outcast group to speak in such a way that their persons, property, and loved ones may be endangered. Because the impact on the public of enjoining this section of the Halloween Ordinance is likely to be negligible, the Court finds that a temporary restraining order is in the public interest.” Following this ruling, the City of Simi Valley wisely chose to repeal its Halloween sign requirement.

Pity of orange …keep wasting and deceiving taxpayers … keep wasting money on your wrong decisions…there are
costs involved for your bad decisions….stand back stand
back orange pity you’re in check of violating civil rights.

If I was forced to place a sign that read “No candy or treats at this residence” I would place under that sign an additional sign that would read.

“Halloween is a pagan holiday celebrating Satan and I do not participate in it.”

I would be well within my first amendment rights to add that additional sign.

LA Times story online tonight (for tomorrow’s paper) says the Orange City Attorney indicates that at the meeting on Tuesday, the city will probably drop the sign requirement from the ordinance, as after reading the Simi Valley ruling, he sees no way to defend it:,0,259967.story

Today like never before we are faced with untruths and half truths about the pc290 registrant. Those of us that have learned to question and look for the truth,have a duty to educate those that have been misled for political gain. Please speak out and become proactive in this most important fight.