General Comments October 2013

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of October 2013. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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Although I agree with a lot of the progressive agenda, I won’t support them until they start to recognize the registry as one of the greatest civil rights issue of our time. Look, they have 750,000 potential activists on their side if they look at it that way. I am for equal protection under the law, protecting children and the environment from abuse, obsessive military force. Against collective insanity. For reason.

You’re right. I need to at least attend a meeting and plan to do that.
I wanted to share this for discussion:
OK so is US drawing a red line? Threatening to bomb Bahrain? Make the perpetrators register in a global Meagans Law registry?
Oh, they are hosting our navy’s fifth fleet.

Cherry picked quote of the day:
“Raping a baby and having a beer are two different things.”

And thankfully(?) a professional concurred:
Christy Gunderson agreed. A mental health worker for 23 years, she said, “We’re treating sex offenders like they’re human. They’re not human.”

Cambridge residents speak up to keep sex offenders out

We ought to avoid the illogical fallacy that one case proves the rule. There are people on the registry that will say and do stupid things. I don’t want to be judged by the words of the few, although to give allowances for free speech in cases where the person is your “average Jane”. That said, we should call for Ms. Gunderson’s license to be pulled. She sounds like those who say terrorist suspects should be tortured because they are inhuman. She is in a position of authority and should be professional and scientific in her speech and work. Isn’t there a board of psychologists to petition?

I guess even mental health “professionals” can have their opinions too, but should have the training and discretion to keep those opinions private. Apparently Ms. Gunderson fits into this category of mental health people who are like the blind man in a dark basement looking for the black cat that was never there! If they don’t know, just make something up seems to be the order of the day. Let’s see, best guess, not otherwise specified, might be, could have, may have, all appear in forensic evaluations. I’ve noticed that there is rarely a concrete diagnosis, but a vague, shotgun approach or throw it out there and see if it sticks, or if the judge buys it. I’ve seen that at least one disorder that’s been used has now been pooh-poohed by the APA, hepephilia/hebephilia is a non-existent disorder that was widely used throughout the 90’s and well into the 2000’s. There will be more to come I’m sure. This “professional” should give up her practice and join the rest of the vigilante’s.

Well, I think if she had made the comment without referencing her credential, as a plain citizen, then it is stupid, but free speech. To claim that a past offender is inhuman is irresponsible and dangerous, if indeed the paper reported her words correctly. That means the committed can be treated as animals, experimented on without consent. Slaughtered? Sounds like the first two are happening already. I think I should do something, besides just talking about it, at least see if there is anything that can be done legally.

Kathie, as we both know, prosecutors will stop at nothing to get primo convictions, even using rejected diagnoses and bought and paid for rubber stamped evaluations reserved just for accused sex offenders.

I spent just under 10 years wallowing in the muck and filth that is the California prison system. I was on the main line, and I was on the sensitive needs yards (SNY). I experienced, first hand, both denial and blame, on my victims and the system. It took me just over two years to realize what I had done, and how damaging my actions were. I will never know how to measure if what I went through was equal to what I did. But I do know that when I sought help before I was arrested, there really was none to be found. I spoke with with literally hundreds of sex offenders while I was in. Each offender had a different story to tell. But one thing is for certain, each man feared the one thing that is completely necessary for recovery and prevention. They feared telling the truth. Our system is not designed to prevent sex crimes, it seems to thrive on it. This is only my opinion, but I am one of the reasons there is a registry. I am sorry I took trust for granted. And I am sorry every day that I was not one of those who helped, but I am one who worsened this conundrum. Every day I live in banishment on the outskirts of the community here. I am now being evicted from one of the last places that is available to me to reside, not because I couldn’t pay the rent, but because of my status. I believe I will be completing this parole in either 8 months or 2 years, 8 months. But I don’t think I will ever truly be able to wash this experience off. I have learned that the people I hurt are all thriving now. I am grateful for that. I will advocate on the side of prevention when I am done completing this term. I appreciate having this forum to speak freely. thank you for indulging me. Another “Great Protector” has bitten the dust. Fortunately, the victim in this case did make a report and hopefully this dirty cop will be punished to the full extent of the law, as most RSO’s have been. Cops are dirty and seem to be getting dirtier, or at least their victims are speaking out.

Here is another scary trick or treat from the Orange County D.A.: Give us your DNA and we will drop the charges. Here at

When orange corrupt county doesn’t honor the fundamental. right to fair trial and truth in evidence ……..the
pattern becomes corrupt….deliberate indifference ……..point A was corrupted ….they look the other way….they go along with it….point G is the same carryover from A….corrupt.

Daily proof registry is a whitewash…scam…waste of taxpayers funds …….a man not on listing sexually assaults
teenager arrested, while they waste time and money having
you look at a registry…real new crime of sexual assaults are
happening and you didn’t prevent them…..IF….IF you put every persons name on registry ….how do you scam it over the people…??….”nondisclosure is the danger”…….then those
new crimes in vanuys losangeles and the jurupa valley teacher sex crimes could have been prevented public safety …….the whitewash has taxpayers look at listing twenty….thirty years…no new crime there…..yet all the
while new ‘sex’ crime in cities and in the news around them on weekly basis…..BUT Keep Looking at Registry….
new crime just happened all the while around you who were NOT in listing…that’s the REAL danger.

Another interesting partial story. Canada has it too!

Gov. Jerry Brown today (Saturday) signed a new California law to crackdown on sex offenders. I will now be able to sleep at night:,0,5941592.story

The law will require any sex offender on parole who takes off or disables his GPS monitoring device to serve the full time of 180 days for that offense in county jail. Prior to this law, many in county jails were subject to early release due to overcrowding. Sex offenders who disable their monitors will not be eligible for early release under this law.

I note, this comes in the wake of a story in the Los Angeles Times a few months ago about a lot of the GPS devices ceasing to register with the monitors. There is automatically a presumption that they have been disabled. However, it turned out that most of that was actually a failed GPS monitoring bracelet — the company that provided the majority of them for the state was using a faulty device. The state has stopped using those devices and changed them out for the one the second company that provides them was offering.

Isn’t it so nice that in this story, the Times failed to mention that the “sharp increase in sex offenders reported to be removing their device” turned out to be false, was a failed device. Nothing like honest reporting from the Times, huh? Now, all the people who don’t already now about the issue will think that a LOT of sex offenders really were disabling their devices.

That is, there was very little intentional disabling of the devices — this is yet another law in search of a problem. But screaming about this sure shows how devious and dangerous sex offenders are doesn’t it.

Hello, I live in Corona CA. I was advised by me registration officer at my last registration that I could not move. Corona, CA has enacted a local ordinance prohibiting registered sex offenders from residing with 2000 feet from schools, parks, day care centers, etc. I asked him if this meant that I was banished from Corona? he said yes, if I decide to move. this does not make sense to me. It has been 20+ years since my conviction and I have had my conviction expunged. I am engaged and this is a direct threat to my upcoming marriage. is there anyone out there who can help?

There are 114 separate city ordinances that have all different definitions of restricted zones, sex offenders, loitering, etc. In other words, it’s all a big mess. These laws have zero to do with public safety, it is only retribution and fear. I would like to see a political solution in which all 114 ordinances are repealed in a deliberative process, but I know that is not practical. It’s going to have to be a lawsuit where some lucky city pays out some seven figure judgment to one of us.

No name, I feel for you. Truly. Thats terrible. I had my charge expunged like over 10 years ago and received summary probation for my plea. Thats crazy. I was totally unaware that Corona had passed this ordinance. I think these ordinances banning people from living in certain areas is getting crazy. I mean, lets face it. (this isn’t a put down) Many people move to Riverside, Corona ect for cheaper housing. So, if you keep pushing these crazy ordinances, where are people going to live? I think everyone needs to get on this site, donate money and we really need to push for this Orange County Ordinance banning people from parks and beaches to be overturned. This will set a series cycling in our favor! I dont see how these ordinances can prevail. Here is the real crazy part. I have Detectives come to my home annually to verify my residence. I asked them questions regarding the laws of OC? They didnt know?

Take the time to read over….and maybe read over again some of the issues and topics ….quite possibly uas missed….
so there hasn’t gone forward a comment mistake like uas…..
confuse the matters issues is what they want……….look up a
topic issue here CARSOL…chances are it helps.

@uas…..what update today of information you have that is a different ruling ..???….what ruling was given after review ..??

I saw something disturbing when I took off from home and couldn’t figure it out., I saw a beat up blue van with graffiti on it. And when I came back stuck in traffic I had enough time to see it again and process what I just saw… A beat up blue van with red spray paint graffiti on it saying “Child Molester” along the sides of the van and “Sex Offender” on the hood and rear area.. on 7th and Dawson Long Beach, CA.. it brought on a chill down my back.. Not because the person is a sex offender, but the actions of the people to graffiti the guy’s vehicle…

Thank you Bluewall. It is encouraging to know we are looking out for each other. This guy may not even be a registrant, but that wouldn’t matter. He is a victim of the insanity that’s going around, just like our families members are subject to this vigilantyism.

I received a letter from my probation department ordering me to remain in my home on Halloween from 5pm until the next morning. I was further instructed that I must place a sign on my door reading “no candy” and to keep my lights off. I am not on parole or on federal probation – does the county probation department have the authority to confine me to my home like this?

Yes, anyone? Are the probation departments clueless? Over confident? Or, are they trying to help us prove registration laws are being used as punishment and therefore unconstitutional.