Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of January 2014. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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I have questions. If we are not allowed certain constitutional rights and have to be second class citizens then why must we pay taxes? Are we represented if our representatives fail us to such a great degree? Wasn’t the design of the US Constitution pacifically for cases such as that of registered citizens that have paid their debt to society? What is the purpose of probation and parole? Isn’t it to sift out the problems in those that can’t or won’t fit back into society? If that is the truth then either the registry must go or probation and parole. Registration pushes people into obscurity by their ever harsher draconian laws put in place at the whim of any politician looking to be elected. Ladies and gentlemen this is NOT freedom but TYRANNY. It is as the waters of Noah unto me to have to stand and fight this evil. Be not deceived it is evil of the most dangerous sort. Evil sold under the quize of protecting the children. Proverbs 16:25 states there is a way to a man that seems right but the end thereof is the ways of death. The sex offender registry is a living death it is evil and it is wrong. Any first year law student can argue that truth in regards to the Constitution and any first year Seminary student can argue that the registry by it’s nature violates every principle of Grace set down by God. Truth
Something to read if obscurity is your only choice:
Your best friend may be those illegal aliens we take for granted. The registry is a cops nightmare to enforce. So we aren’t the only ones with issues in regards to the registry. Many police officers are starting to come around as regards to the registry. Truth is a form of light. When people close the door on light where does that put them? “In the Dark!” So, we need to just shine the truth at them even brighter. Some will get it while the others will keep hitting their heads on the floor by tripping over the truth they keep refusing to look at.
This place has not been the land of the free for quite some time. And all those that violate our basic human rights and the ones that that cheer them on had better wake up, because as they applaud our oppression the lesser men and women that have slipped into positions of trust and power are looking for ways (and making much progress) to take away their rights. Sadly, I seriously doubt any of them will see the truth until it’s too late. Then I will finally have someone and something to laugh at and about.
My closest friend has been my best fried since we were born living across the street from each other. Our daughters are best friends. he is well aware of my RSO status. He wants us all to go to Magic Mountain, but I heard MM banned RSOs from the park.
Do they actually enforce it? How – do they swipe your Driver License at the gate?
I want to go but dread being turned away.
I heard Disney World has a similar policy (Florida, of course), but I have no problem getting into Disneyland.
Perhaps they just check when you get the season pass?
Any input is appreciated!
BTW – I hope all of you had a most excellent Christmas and I wish you a wonderful new year!
In earlier days I hoped for a court breakthrough to help fight this insanity, this mass psychosis. I hoped the courts would be more similar to what they were when many of us grew up, a place where you could at least have a chance to get some justice, a place that actually might stand up to the majority in order to do what is right, a place of enlightenment, not of the Dark Ages.
But unfortunately, the right wingers have made a long, slow march to complete takeover of all the courts, federal and state, all across the country. There is no hope in the courts for the rest of the lifetime of any of us — it would take that long to change them back (gees, in California you can’t even be elected a judge any more unless you can show a background as a prosecutor!). The courts have shown time and again that they have no interest in justice, are even more corrupt and power crazy than the politicians. They have made up blatant lies in their opinions any time they run into something undeniable about how unconstitutional and punishing SOR is — they have the power to define words, and they have time and again just ruled that the color red is the color blue if that is what it takes to overcome the undeniable argument.
So, I looked to the political realm, in hope that somehow, with the complete takeover of the state-level elected offices by the Democrats, the supposed more liberal party, we could finally have some hope of some progress to turn this crap back, that with their overwhelming numbers they could take some risk, and that when they started to do so and saw they were not thrown out of office for doing so, they would do more. Instead, we have had even more draconian laws passed, and more continue to be put on the books year in and year out. Sure, Ammiano has tried to help, but he is only one — and while he is right and sensible and doing what needs to be done, ALL the rest of the politicians consider that to be sheer nonsense and that he is just a radical not to be followed, and so most all of the bills he introduces fail. And Ammiano is now in his last year, thanks to term limits.
The Legislature just is not going to come through for us in any kind of acceptable time frame, not in 10 years, not even in the nest 20 years. IF EVER. Even if Ammiano’s bill for tiers were adopted, it is not a good bill — and there absolutely will be no further increments — those who think so do not understand incrementalism or politics — there is NO chance of any further increments,. this would be it, you will get one shot only if you get even that.
I don’t see anything left to do but march (at least not anything legal). March or die. And keep marching. Marches of massive numbers of people, not simply registrants but everyone who opposes this, whether family and friends, or just those who believe in basic human rights, basic human dignity. I’m no martyr, but we need them, we need martyrs en masse to publicly refuse to register — just like the draft dodgers stood up in public and committed the felony of burning their draft cards. They really would be martyrs, as they absolutely will land in prison for it — but I see no other way. Massive marches, registrants from everywhere can come together for a massive march. Peaceful — we don’t want to give even more reason to impose even more draconian punishment – -think the civil rights marches, think Ghandi leading people in INdia, even to line up and each, one by one, to walk up and be savage beaten down by police, and then the next walk up and take the beating, and the next,and next until the horror of it all shocked the world and Britain, the beater, gave up and left.
This is war — full fledged. PEACEFUL war. We have had outright war waged against us since President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno started all this crap (gee, thanks Democrats!). We have not been waging war in return. All we have done is beg and plead and ask pretty please to stop it – -and want other people to do this for us. We cannot continue this approach — it is a massively failed approach. It is long past time to take to the streets — we have zero other options other than to die.
No more asking for sensibleness, for common decency. I say that is our God-given right as human beings, and we yield it to no one, to no law, to no government. No one can take that from us, and we do not need someone to give it to us — we will take it for ourselves, it is ours.
I am not suggesting that anyone do this alone. This is an all of us or none of us matter. None of us can stand on our own — and these laws have been designed to keep us alone. It is time to become a mass. If anyone stands up and refuses to register, it will not help, will only get that one person sent to prison and nothing will change. We need the masses on the streets. We need to absolutely force this issue — because we have asked politely for way too many years. We are seen as weaklings to be bullied — and the only way for a weakling to stop that is to stand up to it.
And now that I’ve shot my mouth off, I’m just a talker, maybe an adviser. We need an organizer. Who wants to play leader? We should plan a first of many marches for maybe this coming fall, take all that time to get the word out in order to get a huge turnout.
Again, it has been decades, and it is now very clear that there is no other avenue to take this fight, so we certainly have nothing to lose — and fight we must. So far, we have not been fighting.
Anonymous Nobody, you do bring up some good points. I’m in agreement with a lot of what you say. For every slight, small, insignificant win we as a cause attain, usually it’s very hard won, slow in the process, and it’s up to chance if we get that win at all. In contrast, the opposition repeatedly HEAPS ever restrictive laws on us at a breakneck pace.
Dave in the Philippines
I recall that India had, or still has a caste of people called the “untouchables.” These people were denied access to village wells, because they were thought to pollute the waters by their mere touch. Gandhi led them to the wells and so began the fall of the British colonial system. We are now America’s untouchables, denied access to basic human needs, officially denied food stamps, public housing and unofficially denied a means to make a living. Our caste is growing and can’t be ignored. Add to us people of color trapped in a cycle of poverty and prison. Put in the pot a growing culture of vigilantes, season that with growing arrogance of the wealthiest Americans, and you’ve created a toxic brew of discontent. The underclass is under violent attack. There is going to be some change, I believe. This has all happened before, with different flavors of oppression. Whether its going to positive change depends on whether some “liberal” or “conservative” has enough courage to join hands with us as we claim our place at the well.
Could someone please bring information on the tiered registry proposal Janice refers to, to the San Diego meeting? I don’t know anything about it. All I know is our California two tier system and the Adam Walsh law types like the one imposed in Nevada, which adds people to the registry. I am in SD County, so if you need help making copies or doing something for the meeting next week, let me know.
I have only My support & My Art works to offer. How about We run a silent Auction & have all the RSO’s that are artists contribute all proceeds after printing or T-shirts or whatever art works completed go to CARSOL??? See link for example of My Art I Am Offering. I am Not giving away the rights to My Art but I will allow it to be used to fund the cause in a positive way I Allow & Condone the use of My Art For CARSOL I Will even sign the Prints! see link below I’m Good not the best but GOOD!Or use My art On a t shirt for a march I have done that & used “Nobility” The Eagle head, with Fonts explaining Who We Are & I Am Not beyond drawing something New For the March Gimme some Ideas as a general consensus of what to be used eg; “scales of justice?” etc
Respectfully, Bruce F.
I’m In! but need a ride to march site?
One more nail in the coffin of registrants — but this time along with other people: more dispersal of sensitive records.
President Obama is issuing new rules that will bar all people ever ordered to receive outpatient mental health treatment — not only those who have been involuntarily committed — from owning a gun.,0,7973555.story
Now, I am pretty much against anyone owning a gun, but the problem here is further distribution of sensitive, personal records and information about people. AND, pertinent to registrants, it is practically automatic that people convicted of sex offenses get a condition of probation or parole being to go to therapy. And now that record about therapy will be spread around, meaning it will now be dispersed to where it was not dispersed previously, and used against you.
Under this rule Obama is issuing, everyone ordered to therapy will be listed in this background check system. (The news story said those “ordered” to therapy, did not say those to choose to go to therapy.) This means pretty much nearly all registrants who have not been in that system up until now will be added to it, even mere misdemeanants. As registrants, they are not banned from owning guns (but perhaps as felons they are). But now, because a probation or parolee condition included going to therapy, they will be added to this.
While this is not something specifically aimed at registrants, at least not overtly, it is yet one more thing that will affect nearly all registrants, and as a class probably affects registrants more than any other. Again, this even affects misdemeanants who are not now posted online or otherwise not subject to public knowledge.
I don’t want the guns to be sold — to much of anyone. But I don’t want these kind of records so readily available all around. I’m not sure, but I don’t think they are actually available to the clerk at the counter at the gun store (although the thought that I might be wrong about that is terrifying), that he simply gets a yes or no over a computer. But I don’t even like any governmental body or other that might be handling this and collecting up these records as if they were an FBI rap sheet to have such personal health records without my consent,and to be using them against me. This is a very dangerous precedent — this is simply where this kind of privacy violation starts. In fact, this kind of privacy violation is the kind of precedent used to justify things like sex offender registration as not being punishment.
@ Anonymous N.: Did You Really believe anything He has done? After all,,, Transparency for his admin has been as clear as mud but then WE ALL Know ” Anything will be used against YOU BY THEM Not just a Miranda Anymore Toto! & Yes Janice a turn out would be nice but not popular amongst the MSM or Gen. Population & could be the POP We been waitin’ For Please send Me to the Front! Not to Prison/ Fema CAMP ,,To The Front!
BTW, IF You Think or have been led to believe in another politician Really doin’ something for us in a FUTURE ADMIN Scenario, Lies All Lies Oh,,,,& Bodies to cover them up. & If You Edit This It Just Means I AM Right. If You Don’t? Prove Me Wrong, too much is out there & You or any one else cannot put the genie back in the bottle the best thing that could Happen is the Net Crashes Permanently. Screw Business & Politics Be Damned. Liars All of Them Master Manipulators of the Masses.TRUE DAT & Proven.It is up to The Citizens & I have heard the herd has had ENOUGH NOW So Guns is what I worry about. & I don’t wanna hear it’s to protect the RSO’s first it was the KIDS That would only incite MORE assaults on registrants & their families to eliminate a threat to the 2nd amendment. So I say That “WE R N A Pickle”. Like I Said before There is 1 goal & 1 Party; everything else is an illusion a lethal one, We Are the Pink Triangle Prototype in the USA PERIOD. Our EX-Civil Rights Were Just Signed Away By OBO…Say Bye, Bye Oh & I hope Apple eats a worm! I’m Waiting on a class XXX Solar Flare then I can Die Laughin’
Welcome to the Orwellian future where Your given trinkets as toys & tools only to realize they are weapons to trap and condemn You & EVERY ONE I wonder what The AMI Were Thinkin’ when they were cold & hungry and The GOV. said “Here’s a Blanket TO Keep You Warm”….Weaponized Smallpox Now they have weaponized the net. Similarly to what Kim Jung Ill did to his uncle Death By Hungry starving Dogs Only We are the uncle & The Starving Dogs are the Population against us. See You Really do not have to go too far back to find the answers. Another Significant “Show” on MSM is “Black List” His Motto is “What better way to fight an enemy? Why to use another Enemy against them of course in the end the best to be hoped for is they will eliminate each other leaving You to do as You Please or wipe out 1 while significantly weakening the other into submission . Sound Familiar? Yea, I thought So too.
I find it Extremely funny how as a population we accepted a phone for “Convenience” & pay a bill to be spied on by the government & hacked for info & used against You & Guess what? You Pay for them to manufacture & use these “FUN ” Things with their “Upgrades” & They Track You & YOU PAY FOR IT! You Fight Them too Much? Uh Huh They Can Down load a file on Yer computer or Your Phone & You will Never even Know They Own It ALL & You Pay For It!One Way Or Another You Pay For it!
What happens when authorities sieze your laptop
It’s Not just some Theory if the cookie crumbles it leaves a trail that simple! Some are More gullible than others is the difference. THE MORE YOU KNOW,,,Gets Scarier by the minute.
& No I’m not Paranoid that cost way too much I can’t even afford ObamaCare!..LOL,,Ok I’m done playin’ around good night & Happy New Year?!,,,,?
According to a mental health professional, three required actuarial test scores will be posted for each registrant Megan’s List for all to see. When I questioned the legality of this due to Hepa laws, she laughed and said that SOs are required to sign those away when they are ordered into mandatory counseling. How do you like them apples??
Well at least now cops can’t use the “we didn’t know the defendant was mentally ill when we beat the tar out of him” “or we didn’t know the defendant lacked the capacity to request an attorney” no excuse now it’s on NCIC all
his mental health stuff”.
I don’t wanna be on the “Breaking News” at All much less be shot I just do what I have to do and stay out of the mix if I feel something is bad I stay away that simple…Hell I can’t Run any way be lucky to March How far again? because the way I see it if You Put Me at the Front by the time I get there I’ll be bringin’ up the rear…lol
Meanwhile, in Kentucky…
If This is Not a Civil Human Rights Violation IDK What is lookie @ what cops are doin’ Now…WTH!
life is too short to try to change this insanity. Humans are their own worst enemy. You are right to hate what they do, but don’t think you can change them. One stupid act is only forgiven by people when its themselves or someone they love, like their one child. Then even a murderer is a victim of circumstance. A guy falsely accused of and convicted of indecent exposure is an f*ing scum bag who deserves to be on a registry and if he fails to comply lock him up! That’s how humans want to treat everyone that they are not friends with. Its their nature. Its like a law of nature, you cant change it, just change the way you look at humans, throw away your faith in a creator for the animals we call humans, no problem, you will all die and there is no other future for any of them or you. forget changing anything for the better, only stupid humans will benefit, who cares about them? They are lying evil scum, the devil they invented in the bible they made up. Just see them as the enemy, if you can find a friend or two, but don’t think of humans as nice or friendly anymore. That is how I deal with them now. Thanks to the registration laws in California. Thanks to the law and scum bag cops in California, if I could I would annihilate the entire human race but of course I cant to I just have to suffer until I die.
Another blatant abuse of power by police…murder actually.