Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of January 2014. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Today, while much if the country is gripped by freezing cold weather, I am thinking of the thousands of registrant who are forced into homelessness because they are never given a second chance at employment, or are subject to residency restrictions (banishment). Many times registrants who are homeless are barred from living in a homeless shelter. Soon they will be barred from getting food stamps.
But for a loving family and some incredible luck, I would be among the homeless. I am so grateful for the roof over my head and each meal that I eat.
Did I do enough last year to help the homeless registrants? No. I will try to do more this year.
Just a little history & a bit of a read but worth the knowledge!
Has anyone encountered “Rapid” or “instant” background check… it looks like a laptop with a driver license swapper… I was hitting the sidewalk to find work, and encountered one.. The job was in no shape or form involving children.. The interviewer asked for my driver license, and he just scanned it in the machine and bam there I was on his screen…. sigh… no delay no anything.. He got up handed my driver license and said “Good luck elsewhere” and that was it, no application or anything…. I feel pretty much depressed…. like rock bottom depressed.. with my unemployment running out of time…
My friend Kevin Scott Foley has left this world in October 2013:
Just another asexually perveted cop
Here We Go!!! Everybody is gonna use this & not just for dating!!!
@Bruce…good note there…..question there is using a human
being without his permission for profit…?…..for profit business using a person could be sued for millions a dollars …..yes..?
California’s Fourth District Court of Appeal today overturned Orange County’s ordinances that ban registrants from parks, beaches and other locations, ruling the local ordinances are preempted by state law.,0,3986218.story
This is a serious win — but if appealed, it will not final until the state Supreme Court weighs in on the matter. But in the meantime, such laws are banned in Orange County, and the ban could become statewide.
The court ruled that the restrictions that allow registrants to go to such locations only with the written permission of the sheriff amounts to a “de facto registration requirement,” and that the state registration law preempts any such local registration law.
I;m surprised CA RSOL doesn’t alreeady have a story up on this.
Back to the wall………It’s Gone ..! …HomeRun.!…the appeals court did support and protect the Constitution for ALL people and not just for the few……..THANK YOU….
Supporting and protecting the Constitution for ALL …
it can work…It Does Work.
Anonymous nobody …. While what you write is true … Why don’t we for a moment, like Janice wrote, ENJOY this WIN NOW! All this could happen IF …. IF it is appealed. The LA Times article said as much … Only IF.
I’d like to see CaRSOL have chapters in all the counties. It’s amazing what they have done so far. Think of what can happen if it was 10 times as big. I would like to participate locally if somehow we can get the people.
When you play it back ocanalb…doesn’t matter what you call yourself …the superior court panel of judges ruled unlawful unConstitutional…the appeals court did NOT overturn the
panel of judges …..the restriction cannot stand and it didn’t …are we clear….are we clear…?….maybe change team because you seem to think its ok for people to be put in double jeopardy conditions….thank GOD for our Constitution.
The Wizards of Ozymandias, was dedicated “To the memory and spirit of Sophie and Hans Scholl and the White Rose, who reminded us what it means to be civilized.” These wonderful young people – most in their teens or twenties – lived in Germany during the Hitler regime, and spent much of their time writing and distributing leaflets exposing and criticizing the policies and practices of the Nazi state. They were found out; brought to trial; found guilty of treason, the demoralization of the troops, and abetting the enemy, and summarily beheaded. Sophie’s Gestapo interrogator raises the same arguments one hears directed against such modern speakers of truth as Chelsea Manning, Ed Snowden, Julian Assange, Glenn Greenwald, and others. Those whose moral and intellectual standards can rise no higher than to whine “the law is the law,” would do well to consider the exchange between Sophie and her prosecutor. The Nazi functionary declares: “Without law, there is no order. What can we rely on if not the law?” Sophie responds: “Your conscience. Laws change. Conscience doesn’t.”
Butler Shaffer teaches at the Southwestern University School of Law.
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, Dr. Joseph Goebbels
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced. ~Frank Zappa
Rather let the crime of the guilty go unpunished than condemn the innocent. ~Justinian I, Law Code, A.D. 535
If government can’t identify the small minority who recommit the crime, quit making life miserable for those who don’t.
About time to go back to founding principles of justice. The concept of innocent until proven guilty goes back at least 1500 years. Seems like the modern legal system is there wasting a lot of time looking to see if one stupid law is consistent with another stupid law or the legislator trying to find a loophole in the law to subvert principles of justice. I’m grateful to those who can confront this mire of laws in the name of justice. I have little patience with it.
If anyone is interested in hearing first hand how the registry and the laws aimed at people on the registry affect children visit Kat’s YouTube page. This kid wears a mask in her videos and quite frankly I do not blame her after what she has been through because of the registry and the unconstitutional laws associated with thew registry. This is an intelligent little girl who has had her childhood ruined by the registry and the associated laws. This 8yo has done more research than most politicians, cops, oppression advocates and the general population as well as just about everyone else!
When The Goin’ Gets Weird,,,The Weird Go Pro!
Hunter S. Thompson
I just had a humorous thought as I went through my bills and emailing some job applications..
My biggest bill is my student loan (Stafford) and it’ll have to go to Default since I can’t afford paying that and rent…
I notice on the site that there is an area where you can apply for “Total and Permanent Disability Discharge application” … Being a sex offender in California is a Permanent, and its a disability that prevents me to find work, or hold a job…. I think I am going to do this just for laughs…
Oy Vey,,,,My Heart,,, I Just don’t Know I’m Not working But I have a heart condition ,,Wonder if that counts Oh,,,BTW Due to STRESS!
Love the tag line
Just hold still while I check your back story. Credit: NameTag
An idea, food for thought: One possible legal defense or offense.
The 290 laws ban registrants from living within a certain distance from parks, child care centers, schools, etc. Yet, it does not define anywhere what those are.
Seems to me that at least for “parks,” that would be unconstitutionally vague, maybe even for schools. I’m not sure about child care centers.
What is a park, and who says what is a park? Is any old patch of grass some local yokel decides to call a park actually a park under this state law? Is the 290 law to be defined by local yokels rather than by the state, and maybe even defined differently depending on what locality you are in?
In Los Angeles, they currently are putting in 50 different pocket parks all around the city, sometimes even tearing down an existing house to make that small lot a “park.” I know other tiny spots in Los Angeles, literally about 10-feet by 10-feet with grass and a single palm tree that is now being declared to be a “park.” Los Angeles has even taken at least one similar sized pieced of concrete that has a flag pole and a couple benches, and changed its classification from the Department of Public Works to the parks department, and declaring it a park — something never before considered to be a park is now declared to be a park. The Los Angeles River, a federal flood control channel, is now being called a park, barring its something like 50-mile flow. And all it is — at least for now — is a walkway and bikeway –is that all that is needed to be a “park” for the purposes of 290, a simple sidewalk?
Is there some minimum size at least that the state law would require before it came under this park header? If they get away with such lame excuses for calling these tiny places with a little grass and a bench a park, will they next declare every single bus bench to be a “park?” What is the definition of park under the 290 laws — and how can that definition be left to be nothing but a word applied to anything? Grass is not a park. A bench is not a park. Neither is grass and a swing. When they passed a law barring registrants from living near a park, no one was thinking of a bus bench or a sidewalk, they were thinking of a real expanse (well, yes, they were really thinking of any excuse to run out registrants, I know)!
Is an amusement park a “park” under 290? Who knows, since ti doesn’t says “public park,” or anything else to nix amusement parks. Amusement parks certainly are parks “where children gather.”
This really seems too vague to meet constitutional muster.
Not very dissimilar for a “school.” Sure, I would expect the public schools would be included, although I’m not sure that “preschool” is a real “school” — yet there is no definition saying so. Is the local private music school where you go to some storefront to learn how to play trumpet also a school under 290? 290 doesn’t say “public” school, it simply says schools. Is a private charter school covered under 290, or only public schools? Is a church that has Sunday school once a week also a school? You get the idea. If your neighbor’s house, where they give private tutoring, also a school? Who knows.
Seems to me that that entire clause is unconstitutionally vague and should be struck. Of course, if it were struck down accordingly, I’m sure the Legislature would just put it right back in, but add specific definitions.
I have about two acres of National Wildlife Federation Certified garden. It is my park. Every creature except bigoted humans are welcome. A school is where children are educated. When my son and daughters were children, I taught them about nature and gardening as well. I guess I am breaking the law living here, because people recreate and learn here. Someone seems to have got the school bus stop moved away, since they could not move me. They are afraid of their own lies. If they could figure out a way they would banish us to Antarctica and then put in ice parks so we couldn’t go too far.
Can someone explain what exactly SORNA and AWA is? Is it one and the same? I guess, CA did not adopt the AWA, is that correct? Would that not have given us the Tier classification? So, is it good or bad that we don’t have the AWA? My BF was arrested and they contacted SORNA. How is that possible if we don’t have SORNA? Confused again since I am very new, still learning. Thanks everyone.
Came across this article today,
I’m glad this victim of the justice system got paid out, but it angers me that the individuals involved in harming this man are not being forced to become RSO’s, including the judge who issued the “warrant”.
DO NOT BUY A COMPUTER ONLINE. The NSA is intercepting computers purchased online and installing spyware. They can control your computer any way they like. They are now targeting foreign governments.
Check the NSA documents that been released by Glenn Greenwald. You will see the extent of the domestic intrusion/denial of privacy these agencies are perpetrating.
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
― Plato