Petition: Repeal the AWA (W.A.R.)

There is no empirical evidence supporting the continuation of the AWA. Yearly recidivism reports were not part of the act. The dangling carrot of losing 10% Byrne Fund Grant money is no comparison to taxpayer cost of monitoring registrants for life. Once adjudicated, penalty paid and living a law-abiding life registrants and their families should be allowed to live without punitive punishments.

According to a study by Levenson & Tewksbury, children of registrants are harassed, ridiculed, teased, physically attacked and fearful. Registrants are murdered. Last year in SC the wife was murdered too.

Recidivism rate for another sexual offense is 5.3% and 80-90% of sexual abuse is never reported which is clear and convincing evidence public registries don’t work but prevention programs do. Sign the Peitition

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I’m going to wait to see if anyone else signs this petition because;

1. it is a .gov website

2. I do not trust this government. (you would have to be a loon to trust this government)

3.It asks (in my mind) for too much personal information.

4. I do not trust this government. (especially after the Snowden revelations)

5. There are plenty of other sites for signing petitions that aren’t .gov websites.

6. I do not trust this government. (I would have to be a fool to trust any government that allow laws to be enacted that facilitate murder and are clearly punitive, tear families apart, destroy the childhood of countless children and put’s their lives at risk, and sacrifice the well being of millions of people for personal gain/reelection/funds.

7. I do not like this government/system. (it is broken. It would not surprise me if this was just a way to find out which registrants actively seek the truth and file suits challenging their cash cow in order to further oppress/imprison them. To stamp out dissent like the Nazi’s they are. The fear truth and know that knoweledge is power.

8. You may think me paranoid; but after what I have been through and what I have witnessed I do not care if anyone thinks me paranoid.

9. I do not trust anything “government”

10. There are far too many men and women that clearly lack the integrity for me to trust anything that has to do with them. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!!!!!

Totally agree with you Q

I’m going to sign this. There are only 38 signatures and they need 100,000. The only thing this may tell the President is that there is no support for changing these laws, if only a few have the courage to sign. The government already has all my information, and I am not going to let them scare me out of participating. What I am more concerned about is Prop. 35 passing muster. Then, from what I read, every time I start an account to sign a petition, I will have to let the Stazis in this state know within 24 hours. If I don’t, jail? Jail for signing a petition and not letting the Red Guard know. The are two things inhibiting the 1st Amendment, fear and fear –and many times with me, fear.

States noncompliance
Congressional ignorance
Light the Byrne barrel

Better save than sorry? If you are a rso,the government already knows about you and so does everybody else. I understand how hard it is to trust anybody anymore but the way I see it, There should be at least around 100,000 people in Ca. and 750,000 total across the U.S. That should be sighing this petition. If you are a RSO sign this. Keep the spotlight shining on this problem! Keep hope alive!

If anyone is threatened, or even thinks they are being threatened, because he posted a comment here (as long as you are not threatening or harrassing someone yourself) or signed a petition, call your lawyer or the ACLU or post it here. That would be some powerful ammunition. You’re not just defending your citizenship, you’re defending the Constitution.

…and wouldn’t that be a hot potato for the White House, now that they are trying to sooth the burns caused by the NSA scandal.

Hell,, I was Threatened all the time !!! They will threaten You & then when You hand them Your Atty’s Card,,,,You’d be left alone OR Violated…Most likely …set up & violated You are now a departmental Risk>

They do not threaten You Tim if You are not on parole…OR DO THEY? No, They just Do ! Hey Q,, I’m too scared to be paranoid,,,Besides paranoia cost’s WAY too much,,More than Health Care…ROTFL They make all of the rules Vague on purpose so they can spin it how they want when they want to Reality does not apply. If it is Your # they will come & collect You & IF You do not have the $ You cannot Buy Freedom or get a good Lawyer to Stop them WE ALL KNOW about Public Pretenders. So We just need to Support each other as much as possible & Network, Network, Network! 1 place is not always good for everybody & some places can be good for somebody But if We have those that could & Can We,,did that make sense? Meh,, Me either(*)_(*)?

7 Days and only 98 people have signed this petition. Sad just plain sad

98? Huh. That is sad. They’re not going to bother trying to harrass the signers, they’re going to sit back and laugh.

What we need is some sex offender to hit the lotto. If I was to hit I would spend millions to over turn some of these laws. All it take is money ,money can buy anything , even our freedom. One step at a time.

There is no reason why this petition shouldn’t have 100k signatures by now. It is currently fewer than 200 people.

If you haven’t signed it, you have no right to complain about how the AWA and other such laws are unfair. We have to help ourselves if we want these laws overturned. We cannot just rely on Janice and the women from WAR.

Signing the petition is literally the least you can do. So do it.

On the 7th there were 95 people signed up, today on the 14th there’s 104. This is a very weak showing of what should be a united front!

Moderators, can we have this locked to the main page? People need to be reminded that this petition exists.

If we can get rid of the Adam Walsh Act and SORNA, wouldn’t that solve our registry problems?

No it would not. Repeal of the AWA would only (1) remove the feds’ ability to prosecute those that travel to other jurisdictions and fail to register or keep their registrations current, and (2) remove the threat of financial penalties for states that are non-complaint. Even if the AWA were repealed, all 50 states would still have sex offender registries. However, you can be certain that no state would rush to repeal its registration laws.

Signed it, Not like there’s allot to lose!

Keep in mind that the federal government does not operate sex offender registries, the states do. Congress passed the AWA in 2006 hoping to convince the states to strengthen their registries, and offered them financial incentives to do so. At the same time it threatened them with a 10% reduction in their Byrne Grants if they did not. The only realistic challenge that can be mounted at the federal level is seeking the repeal of the AWA.