This information is going to be a bit hard-core. In a recent blog talk radio show titled Viva La Revolution on Activist Central the narrator put forth the point that the government has made war upon registered citizens, their parents, spouses, siblings and children as well as their employers and friends. As pointed out perhaps we should consider ourselves the resistance fighters in that war and not just fight it at an intellectual level, trying quietly to present the overwhelming mountain of evidence that shows that 99% of the people on the registry will not reoffend and that over 99% of all new sex crimes are committed by people that are not on the registry and that there is an extreme collateral damage, not only to the registered citizens but also to everyone that is associated with them. This quiet action has not got us very far in that new laws continue to be created, more restrictive and devastating than those before. The narrator’s point was, we are American citizens, all of us, and we have a right to get angry when our constitutional rights and those of registered citizens families are set aside not only by the legislators but by law enforcement and the general public. No I’m not suggesting we go out and blow up bridges, violence does no good for anyone, but we can and should start standing our ground and not be afraid to defend ourselves, because we know that we are in the right. Full Article
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