Cities scramble after sex offender ruling

Three cities and San Diego County are reviewing their bans on sex offenders being near schools and parks this week after the California Supreme Court declined to review lower court rulings declaring similar restrictions illegal.

National City, La Mesa, Santee and the county have all adopted ordinances that prohibit sex offenders from being within 300 feet of a school, day care center, arcade, playground, park or amusement center, to some degree. Full Article

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I’m really pleased at what this means for the citizens of California. The funny thing is that there is no statewide registry and heavily regulation on various other crimes, ones that hurt children. So .. it is entirely possible in my mind.. that the politicians who push bad laws should look at what they might be able to get away with.. that is.. if they can’t go after sex offenders to try and protect the children.. then go after everyone else who have proven to hurt children regularly.

I see in the news how parents get into physical confrontations at school activities, such as soccer or baseball. But they are allowed to enter schools and parks all the time. Kids get hurt often during these events? Why can’t politicians start looking touch on crime and “protecting kids” by banning those kids of people, along with everything else that doesn’t already have a statewide set of laws in place. If they do this at the local level. To me, it’s 100% obvious they are NOT trying to protect the children and that’s my proof.. just that they won’t go after violence, drugs, etc. Just sex offenders who really don’t post as much risk as the next “convict” in line.

“Santee City officials said the warning letter was under review and there are currently NO PLANS TO MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THEIR ORDINANCE!”
What? Even when the courts declared it unconstitutional?
The citizens of Santee should call their city officials and tell them they do not wish to be the pawns and pay for their city to be sued. I say we make an example out of this city. If a registered citizen is arrested for being in a public park, they might be able to collect a handsome fee.

Frank L. – thank you for taking one for the team. Your courage is an inspiration. Please know that thousands of people across the state are grateful to you.

So, I’m from, and my parents still live in Santee. Should we need to file suit there, I’d be happy to do whatever is needed.

I can’t read the article unless I subscribe; forget that! But it’s nice to know that some cities are starting to snap their fingers and tap dance instead of playing human rights God. Any city that doesn’t comply with state law is foolish, and is in effect $hooting it’$ $elf and it’s citizen$ in the foot. I would imagine Janice will probably go after the cities that are getting media coverage for their refusal to repeal, or at least stay their illegal ordinances in order to send a clear cut message; repeal your illegal ordinances or face legal action!

“Resistance is futile” The Borg 🙂

Frank and Janice, Thank You.

In the Antelope Valley the two major cities Palmdale and Lancaster use: local real estate brokers, law enforcement teams (probation, parole, sheriff, highway parole, public safety, DA and WATCH/Snitch groups)to harass and intimidate. As of last week, I am confident that my family is safe. Children need protection from evil politics!

Cities can run, but they can’t hide! Janice is coming to a location near you!