Do Ex-Sex Offenders Have Civil Rights?

They are the most loathed convicts on the planet. Even other criminals hate them. Cities in recent years have targeted them with laws that limit where and when they can be certain places, particularly on Halloween, when children are out.

But ex-sex offenders do have rights. At least that’s the contention of a group called California Reform Sex Offender Laws.  Full Article

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I used to think I had no rights to stand on and, I believe the cities and town’s with these illegal ordinances feel we shouldn’t have ANY rights; period! But thanks to the hard work and tireless efforts by people like Janice and Chance, as well as Frank and everyone else, I now know I was wrong.

It is starting to feel like progress is being made in reforming some of these laws and ordinances that have no business being in place in any town or city in the US.

Before Janice took over the reigns of CA-RSOL I had no hope whatsoever. It felt as though my destiny was sealed by people that I knew had it all wrong. I had visions of dying before my time, laying between two dumpsters in a filthy alley in a depressed part of some city or town. I don’t know if that ugly vision would have ever happened to me, but you can be sure it’s happening to far too many people right now that aren’t as fortunate to have the family that I have.

Ignorance is a choice. It’s a conscious decision; and so many people out there are ignorant of all the easily proven bad that have been born of this willful ignorance, with no documented proof the registry or any of the associated laws and ordinances have ever done anything but make them only think they were safe from their phantom fears and easily dis proven, false beliefs. These ignorant ones only think they know about the registry and people on the registry. They only think they know what is best for America and it’s cities and towns. They only think they aren’t harming anyone.

I feel good that the truth seems to be getting out there. Though there is much resistance and obstinacy when it comes to change, things have been changing. I wish I had more $ to donate to CA-RSOL; I give what I can and a family member gives $100 bucks or so whenever they can because they know that without $ none of this would have ever happened, and many of us would still be hiding under that rock, trying to not be noticed by anyone. The fear has been lifting, sometimes quickly. Sometimes slowly. I think I’ll keep dreaming of the day when that fear is gone because sanity will have returned to America.

This is like asking if a disabled person has civil rights. Anyone who is a citizen of the united states or any other country for that matter should have civil rights in those countries.

This has been my view all along! The blacks fought for their civil rights! Now, due to someone being convicted of a crime, they are now bring prohibited from entering parks, beaches, libraries and even using buses? This is nuts! What if the person is a student needing to perform research or doesn’t own a vehicle? This is no difference from what the blacks went through! It’s a civil rights violation and the laws create hatred and hysteria ! I was watching a television show (reality TV) and it showed a clip on how news people where harassing a recently released sex offender (a commentator came on and stated, everyone knows there is a 95-98 percent recedivism rate). Omg! I’m conviction free, received summary probation and plead almost 18 years ago, but yet I’m treated like it just happened yesterday ?

Civil rights? What civil rights? Damn, even the blacks in the past got to ride the busses, in the back, and use public facilities from a different entrance; Registered citizens don’t even get that these days. A Jewish person can be shot, it’s a hate crime, a gay person’s home is defaced, it’s a hate crime, slash the tires of a black person’s car, it’s a hate crime, but beat a registered citizen, deface their home, slash their tires, put signs up in their yard and no hate crime, actually a sigh of relief from law enforcement and subtle encouragement for said actions because law enforcement hopes that will drive the RSO out of their town. There are no hate crimes against those on the registry, just coincidences, no targeting registered citizens, just coincidences.
The penalty has been paid, time served, restitution made, but only blood satisfies the ignorant.