Gov. Jerry Brown’s prison reforms haven’t lived up to his billing

Nearly 15 months after launching what he called the “boldest move in criminal justice in decades,” Gov. Jerry Brown declared victory over a prison crisis that had appalled federal judges and stumped governors for two decades. … Brown’s realignment solution when he took office in 2011 required creating a new category of criminal — the non-serious, non-violent, non-sex-offender felon. Full Article

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Look at the picture accompanying the story. Note that it takes four heavily armed guards to escort two SICK,OLD, men to the medical unit! BRAVE! Now think how many jobs you’re looking at. I think Jerry Brown must be subsidized by the Prison Guards Union.

This is so, so stupid and I’m finding it hard to believe people are actually buying into this BS. The governor is just shuffling his victims around. The prison emergency in California is not over! What he has done is going to compound the problem and create more problems for the county jails. He claims
“It is not going to create miracles overnight,” and I fully agree; it’s going to create a slew of other problems for the state and I’ll bet in a few years the prisons will be overflowing again along with the county jails.

Brown said “the solution makes things better than what we had before.” What solution? Solution for who? Certainly not for the prisoners; their civil and basic human rights are still going to be violated. The governor did much to create the problem in the first place when in 1976 he took away discretion from judges and then compounded the overpopulation problem with his mandatory parole law.

Come on! When the prison population went from 34,000 to 173,000 by 2006 nobody noticed a problem? Perhaps the governor took too much LSD in the 70s and smoked a little too much pot. The problem he did much to help create is still there and will remain and grow as long as men without an ounce of wisdom are allowed to keep creating problems where no problem exists by way of the well monied prison guards union and government funded victims rights groups.

Governor Brown seems to be doing much to make this more of a police state than it already is. He is creating more problems and if anyone thinks he addressed any problem they are sadly mistaken.

I was doing a little research and discovered that the California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) that’s the cops and the prison guards union here in California), created their very own victims rights organization!?!

It’s called “Crime Victims United” and they are based in Sacramento; how convenient. The source says they are a political action committee which promotes and pushes tough laws that increase the prison population!!!!Financial records show that since 2004 the only group that has funded “Crime Victims United” is the CCPOA!

It’s a sure bet they are all chummy with Brown.

You are all so correct. I suggest that the hundreds of millions of dollars which are supposed to be spent on CCR rehabilitation programs, be given to the communities who actually “do” something for those returning to the streets. I am totally dependent on the community to welcome me back into society starting with a place to stay. Give the communities the money to help those transitioning back into society and more housing and programs can be made available for those starting their lives over. Communities care about the individual, the prison industry cares about themselves. Some might call it an arrogant sense of self-entitlement.

While awaiting sentencing, my loved one was a victim of a violent home invasion. During the ensuing investigation, it was determined that the perpetrators had been given early release due to the lawsuit filed by the prisoners in the California prison system. Identification was made through DNA testing and fingerprints found in our home. Two days after the home invasion, they came back to retrieve my husband’s vehicle that had been returned after the original invasion. However, according to the detectives, “they” couldn’t locate these individuals. I ask you: How can violent offenders get off parole/probation within six months of being released from prison/jail?? We all know that probation/parole for a sex offender is often worse than being incarcerated. Where is the accountability for the probation/parole officers for these individuals who continued on a crime spree less than six months after being released? Does an individual need to commit a violent crime to get a lesser prison/jail sentence accompanied by a shorter probation/parole term? Sometimes I think my loved one would have been better off being a violent criminal than a man in crises who made a one-time very stupid mistake.

Let’s face it, people will complain how their being treated, yet in the next breath they’re calling for more police supervision more punishment for someone else who they don’t like. As long as people keep calling for more prison time for more offenses, and also will not open their pocket books to pay for it, what can any governor do but shift prisoners around. I guess he can pardon the excess if he doesn’t mind being recalled.