Lakeside residents outraged over sex offender’s release

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) – The community of Lakeside is in an uproar over news that a registered sex offender could soon be living across the street from an elementary school. Full Article

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Two things…Thank you Janice that this young man is able to live with his family upon release in spite of where they live. It is great to see something here that, even though the article is unfavorable on it’s face, there’s a hidden gem in there that let’s us all know that your efforts are indeed bearing fruit!!! For all those who are discouraged or don’t think Janice and CARSOL is making much of a difference, all you have to do is look at where this man gets to live and know Janice and CARSOL is making all the difference in the world to him whether he knows it or not.

Secondly, it is apparent this Kelly Bailey is among those poor brainwashed souls who somehow think we registrants have superpowers that allow us to molest children from afar as long as they are within eyesight…kinda like those who think we become super predators on Halloween who not only can but will lure children into our homes just by having a carved pumpkin next to our door or a bowl of candy in the home. This mentality is the very reason I have chosen to continue living in my van rather than with my wife and child, they live next to a school and we can’t afford to move. I will not put my family through this scrutiny.

That’s all he did, got a kiss of death. Doesn’t mean it was right but when there is sex in the air it is news.

Nowadays when you are released from your prison term, or from a term on a parole violation, there is a stringent condition: you must pass interviews with two different psychologists. That is what I went through on my last release in 2011. Each interview lasted over an hour, and the psychologists came armed with laptops, pointed and probing questions, the whole nine yards. The purpose of the interviews is to determine is you are a dangerous person, or if you can safely be released. I passed the interviews with no problems, but my bunkmate did not. They determined he was a threat and sent him to Patton mental hospital where, as is well known, it is unlikely he will be released for years.
People in Lakeside need to realize that this parolee went through such interviews and passed them, in order to qualify for release. We can feel confident he is harmless. To quote a poster I saw the other day: people in Lakeside should just “Keep calm and carry on.”

What he was convicted of could cover a lot of ground. The circumstance of the offense should play a part in the reaction of the community. But we/they don’t know those.

Who’s in danger here?
Hopefully, the police will keep an eye on this guy, but also on others in the area who mean harm, and not just for reasons espoused by this community, to protect children, but to protect all human life.

I do not know this family, but I researched this story, because I used to teach at Lakeview many years ago, and know the area.
Thirteen years ago, when Lee (registrant) was just 19/20 he “kissed” a 14 year old girl who had lied about her age, which put him on the registry. (If there were more to the story, you know the media would have published it)
Later, his wife apparently became ill, or perhaps she was able to hire someone to help with their daughter, as it appears she is a special needs child. She hires a friend as her caretaker (a man).This caused friction between them. About that time, his wife also converted to a Mid-eastern religion, and they separated. He then went to prison in 2010 for making a threat against the caretaker, or her brother?
Two months ago, he was violated for having a smart phone. His wife’s brother had called his probation officer and reported it. Then, his wife’s brother started a social media frenzy, claiming to the neighborhood and apparently the media that a dangerous sex offender was about to be released close to the school. However, he had already been living at this address for the past few years, and grew up in the house. I could not believe that the media didn’t investigate into the details before causing the hysteria. He hadn’t even been released from jail yet. And all of the San Diego News channels carried the report. His poor mother. It must have been hell to have the media showing her house on the news for days. And for what?
A good Halloween story? Propaganda for the State? now that the CA. Supreme Court is about to hear the Taylor case?