Costa Rica Fights Against Sexual Exploitation of Children

Brooklyn, NY — (ReleaseWire) — 11/07/2014 — A new global Taskforce, launched in London yesterday aims to tackle the rapid acceleration of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism. Eight eminent leaders from the travel industry, the United Nations, Governments and NGOs, under the leadership of Dr. Maalla M’jid Former Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, will re-think approaches to a crime that has, to date, outpaced every attempt to respond. The sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism is now a phenomenon of global dimensions, and as Dr. Maalla M’jid states, a phenomenon that “seriously harms countless children around the world, often with irreparable consequences.”

The Taskforce will oversee the ECPAT International-initiated Global Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism, the first of its kind, funded by the Dutch Government.  Full Article

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Responding won’t work. As long as stopping this is framed as a responsive effort nothing will change. These fools need to get ahead of the action and start learning to predict when, why, where, how, and who will get trafficked, exploited, or enslaved. Its absolutely ridiculous that nobody has figured out how to catch the masterminds leading trafficking, exploitation, and slavery rings. How many decades has the world known about human trafficking and sexual tourism? Better yet, how many more decades will pass before someone else realizes the real problem is not being fixed?

Yes, none of us is going to Costa Rica anytime soon (if ever again)…I am glad that I have been there 4 times prior to this unfair and clearly unnecessary legislation which will have ZERO effect on stopping human trafficking or child sexual abuse as all those things are going on as I type this from California and it is NOT being done by registered sex offenders!

This is the sort of nonsense that only gives the appearance that anything is being done while in reality it is “business as usual” and nothing has changed at all!