VT: Lawmakers ask – How good does sex registry need to be?

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — Vermont lawmakers are grappling with how close to perfect the state’s sex offender registry needs to be before offenders’ addresses are posted online. Vermont in 2009 passed a law saying the registry had to have a clean audit from the state auditor of accounts before addresses could be posted. A 2010 audit found many errors; a follow-up audit last July found what Auditor of Accounts Doug Hoffer labeled “critical errors” in 11 percent of cases. Full Article

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Living with 290: Mexico for freedom

Moved to Mexico in 2012. Told reg. Agency I was moving. Filled out one form. Signed. Crossed the border into Baja Ca. Two weeks later my name was removed from Megans law website RSO List. Now a few years later, you gotta dig deep in google or pay $$$ to find any conviction info. No cost. Nomuss. Nofuss. Applied for and got Mex. Nationality status, VoterID, ect.ect. I pay 325 for a private 75 acre ranch walled in and policed by ?????????? .Don’t really ask those dudes too much. Any…

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