Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of January 2015. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Can we have our next meeting in our “beloved city” CARSON?
The city hall could be a good place?
If only Michael Jackson had been represented by a public defender, he’d be alive today.
He’d be in prison, serving 25-life, and then no doubt civilly confined as an SVP, but he’d be alive.
I feel better.. did my Living with 290 story… I don’t share it with anyone.. Misery in silence… but I hope it gives hope to others…
I was watching the news. There was a story about 5 people murdering a security guard at a roller rink in Grand Terrace. Three of the assailants were minors. Two were 17 and one was 15. They will all be charged as adults.
The thing that I don’t understand is when a minor is involved in some criminal activity (which is not sexual in nature) they are charged as adults. But when a minor has a consensual sexual relationship with an adult (someone 18 and over) they are a victim of sex abuse.
Could we please get a little consistency? So cognitively when a minor commits a crime they are fully aware of what they are doing, but when a minor is involved with some sort of consensual sexual activity they have no clue what they are doing?
Minors beware… I feel there will soon be law against m**********n. A sex crime against yourself. Lifetime registration will be mandatory.
So after my conviction in 2001, I worked as a bartender for a few years since I was not known as a RSO and not on the public registry. I was placed on the public registry at the end of 2010 without my knowledge. When I found out people were talking about me being on the registry I immediately quit my job so it wouldn’t affect the business owner who was also a good friend. (And surprisingly still one of the very few that are still a friend). So I happend to look at this businesses on line reviews and someone wrote (2 years after I quit) that this business was creepy because they hire RSO’s. I of course was the only RSO that had ever worked there and had not worked there for a long time. With the way these review sites work these days it’s hard to blame an employer for not hiring Registered Citizens. The stigma from all the RSO misinformation is damaging for many people.
Is there any interest in asking Janice to have a meeting in Ukiah? That’s about 75 minutes north of Santa Rosa on Hwy 101. If enough people are interested, I’ll find a location. Can someone tell me what is the average number of attendance at these monthly meetings?
My last comment for the night, I promise….
I wonder how many people have convictions only because of the internet? What if the internet didn’t exist? Is the Internet such a good thing for society?
The internet does not convict. The crime is the conviction and the sentences are meted out in a courtroom. The internet is a treasure trove of good things and information. ALL of no one thing is bad. To say that anyone has a conviction because of the internet is placing blame on something that has already been committed. We convict ourselves when we commit the crime!
How many of you are donating? Janice and her staff require funds to help us. I as all my friends to donate. Let’s do what ever is needed. Please.
I think false convictions are on topic especially if the result is a wrongful execution for a sex crime after a false confession. If you agree you might take a look at Colder Case: How California Executed the Wrong Man and Left a Serial Killer Free to Stalk Children.
Long title. Take a peek at or
I found the link to the SO laws by State on this site, and I was wondering if anyone knew how the Certificate of Rehabilitation works. It says, for offenses that are not publicly displayed, you can try to obtain a COR after 7 or 10 years after release of custody or probation. If your offense that landed you on the registry was 15 years ago, but you caught another registrable offense (also not an offense that lands you on the public registry), will the time frame start over from once you are off probation from the most current, or can you still apply since the initial offense was 15 years ago? Probably a silly question, but it seems a little vague.
I’m considering the possibility of becoming a paralegal. I was reading on a website if someone already has a bachelor’s degree the time needed to become certified is about one year or 24 units. My cousin is a legal assistant and she said the same thing. She isn’t a paralegal because she doesn’t have a degree. Does anyone know if registrants can or cannot be paralegals?
Yes I am a felon. Yes I am a registrant. But I think my personal experience would be more of an asset than a hindrance. A part of my argument to any potential employer would be: I’ve been through the justice system. I know how difficult it is for a person to navigate through it. I would like the opportunity to assist the attorneys in helping the clients. I know how it feels when those who are representing you are not doing their due diligence and I will not let our clients feel like they are being let down.
Maybe this idea will be short lived. Maybe I won’t like being a paralegal. But I need to try it out. Maybe I should take the intro course at the community college. Any constructive criticism would be appreciated.
I have to say that an unfortunate by-product of this whole depressing business is the healthy distrust I have now developed for anyone having anything whatsoever to do with law enforcement – be they Sheriffs, District Attorneys, Probation Officers or Meter Maids. I used to think the police were our friends. I’ve learned the hard way that law enforcement agents are to be avoided AT ALL COSTS.
I will never again, in my entire life, place even the slightest trust in any official representing any law enforcement agency.
Couple months back I applied with a Walmart distribution center in AZ. I was called for an interview, then got to the point of the drug and background check. Drug was clean. I was denied employment based on the background but my report does not state why. Can someone comment? Is it because I am a felon..a sex offender? I’ve read since they only go back 7 years, wait until then. My conviction was 6/2008.
This Walmart distribution center, like most, is in the middle of nowhere with no children in sight at all. Confused to why I couldn’t get this particular job.
Oh lookie here
Looks like City of Carson is going to have a meeting on …
Code of Ethics !!
Wow… a strange misunderstanding
Interesting article.
Well, I had my hearing for my Certificate of Rehabilitation on Friday. January 9th.
While waiting for my Public Defender to show up
(he was in different courts, at difference places inn the county, and barely got there before the lunch break. But he or no one from the PDs had the courtesy to call me and let me know. I had the call their office 3 times after I was wondering what was going on after waiting the two hrs)
I had the pleasure of running into CA RSOL V.P. and private attorney CHANCE OBERSTINE. He was appearing on behalf of a client on another matter and I introduced myself as he was leaving the court. He was kind enough to spend a few minutes giving me some information and encouragement. He said that in most any other county around I’d have a fair chance, but OC is a bear when it comes to these. Sure enough what he said came true.
My PD told me that the DA’s office field an opposition (it was rather thick) which, basically, boiled down to that I should not be granted my COR because I had not presented PROOF that I was no longer a danger to the public.
What my PD argued was that that was a misreading of the law, that one cannot submit proof of a negative. Proof that I am NOT going to re-offend.
While out in the hall, before the hearing, I asked my PD to bring up that, from the day of my conviction, I was not on the Megan’s law site as I was “classified” as a low risk (to re-offend) offender AND
that I had passed the test of time, the 10 year period of rehabilitation, which the law says is sufficiently necessary to SHOW that, as a misdemeanor SO, I was rehabilitated.
He did not bring any of that up. So much for representing ME.
As the hearing was concluding, the judge asked if I were granted a COR, would that relieve me of my duty to register? The PD told him NO. No.
That is BS base on everything I have read on the issue, and the main reason for a COR to begin with. So, back out in the hall, I called my PD on that. again mine is a misdemeanor possession of CP charge which, from all I have heard read, is covered.
He said that the COR in no way relieves me of my duty to register.
That ONLY the actual PARDON from the governor does that.
So, either I have been mislead, or the PDs office once again gave me a guy who doesn’t really know what he is doing in these matters.
(Last time I got a gal who wasn’t even aware of the required time frame and I ended up filing two year early)
So, when i got back to my car, I looked at the paperwork I got from the PD’s office and sure enough, big as day, it states that the COR relieves some misdemeanor SOs of the duty to register.
So I called and left a VM for him to that effect. Told him to contact his boss and tell them they messed up by giving people the wrong information right on the front page of their COR info form. I hope he caught that I was being sarcastic, as that was the point.
Anyway, if the case does not come back in my favor, I plan to ask the PD to file a motion to reconsider. THIS time making sure MY points are included in it. If that is the inappropriate motion in this case, I plan to ask him to appeal the decision.
He mentioned an appeal, but has already tried to talk me out of it. He said most people just wait and try their chances with a new judge in a couple of years. I’m nearly 57 years old. I don’t have two years to wait. My best working years are already behind me. This is such BS.
i was convicted in federal court. can i apply for cor in the state . i was convicted for cp in 2009 and federal judge in my transcript said i didn’t have to register because of my history as being a non-dangerous man, by fed judge stephan v wilson..sadly, i am 75 which means my time may not be enough.
Political note: Kamala Harris is running for US Senate in 2016. How does this affect us?
Very badly. The reason is that Harris’ record will be scrutinized with a fine-tooth comb. As such, ANY references to sex offender issues, particularly enforcement of all laws with regard to registration, are going to be POUNCED upon with ANY perceived “coddling of sex offenders.”
Look for a sudden toughening up by the AG’s office with regard to sex offender enforcement and endorsement of harsher laws. In politics, it is not the constitutionality of the law, it’s the reaction of the low-info voters whom will be reacting with exagerated emphasis. Sucks, but that’s the way it is.
We should keep a wary eye on the AG’sactions for the next year, possibly two years if she has a signifant chance at winning the Democratic primary.
Well, I got the official word today on my petition for a certificate of rehabilitation. DENIED.
The public defender tried to talk me out of the appeal. But after dealing with those people, I’ve developed the philosophy that it might be best to do the opposite of what they say. So I told him to go ahead and file the Notice of Appeal.
He said, some other appeals attorney would be contacting me. Very brusque fellow. Always has been. Like it is all just a big bother for him.
I just received a summons for jury duty service. I had no idea 290 registrants could serve. Though I can back out since I moved to a new county (but only 15 miles away from the courthouse), I’m kind of interested in doing my civic duty anyway.
Here’s a point of discussion: Should the public registry exhist for those that have shown they are true pedofiles and have multipal convictions for child molestation. For example someone who works at a school that has molested several kids over many years or someone who has several separate 288 pc convictions with different kids over many years. Or perhaps anyone who commits a sex offence with a kidnapping or stranger abduction? Or should these offenders be on lifetime incarceration or parole with public notification as a parole condition? Or should everyone be off the public registry even when they have proven to reoffend after several convictions? …..Just wondering everyone’s opinion on this.
This regarding TSA inspection exemption. Someone had mentioned that their spouse qualified, but the registrant couldn’t. I travel frequently along the west coast and much to my surprise, I was told I no longer have to wait in line, take off my shoes or remove my laptop from its case; just go straight to the gate.
Somehow, I qualified for TSA inspection exemption and no longer have to go through through the usual red-tape. I didn’t apply for it. I’m a 290.006 registrant (discretionary, non-Megan’s Law, non-public disclosure to anyone). I was wondering if anyone else has qualified?