Living with 290: Torn and Angry

He has a violent history of fighting and no love for authority (cops). He felt the street life was appealing until prison came knocking on the door. One night of drunkenness and high off of whatever he could get his hands on changed our lives forever. ….

Just know that in 1997 Jazz was one of the fastest 400/800 meter runners in the country. Now, he’s labeled as a sex offender. Can’t live withing 2600 feet of school. Yet, there is a school on nearly every corner. When he was released in 2014, he was cleared to come home. One month later, he was forced to move because he is classified as an AB113-HRO!!! We found a nice place not too far from the old, which was approved by his former parole agent. We’ve live here since June 2014….. Now we have to leave again. He wears an ankle monitor!!!! What’s the problem. He does not go near schools. He hates to go outside now!! If you can track him 24/7 why the need for living restrictions. This is frustrating! How can he rehabilitate when the “system” keeps slapping him in the face???

We all know that prison is BIG BUSINESS; but no more. You can’t have my son! I will be his strength with God’s help. I will fight for his rights, especially when Agent Blueford tells me that he’s not an “offender” it’s just the LAW!!!

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You are fighting a system that has unlimited resources and people with nor morals or dignity using them to control and ultimately destroy peoples lives. God will not be of any use to you. The only thing you can do is to fight with legal help.

The constitution is there for a reason and as Americans we still have protection under it. Recently individual rights have been stripped away until we are nearly helpless…especially those who can not afford to buy their way out.

You will find that the system is not there to “rehabilitate” anyone but rather to humiliate, abuse, and punish. Nothing more and it is run by sadistic people who actually enjoy doing all 3!

“The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals.
Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them.
One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for man to live without breaking laws.” Ayn Rand, 1957

God has been and is my help and He will be there for you. You can not depend on the world system ie: courts, lawmakers, police or etc. Only on God’s power working through people, like Janice.