Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of March 2015. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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I’m looking forward to the day I read a similar news report about RSO Registrations:
Just got home from the the march in Carson and I want to thank everyone who was there and especially Janice and her team for everything they do on our behalf.
Ultimately this will be won in the courts – not in the parks. We can change some minds. We can garner some goodwill and a wider belief that all of these measures are unconstitutional. But with the mindless witchhunt fear which infects so many citizens and the politicians desperate to get elected by them – only the courts, and specifically the Supreme Court justices who do not fear for their offices, can rectify this wrong.
Janice requested us to march and in my opinion we owe it to her, in her capacity to lead this fight, to humble ourselves and take the actions she determines to be the right course.
Let me tell you it was hard… so very, very hard… for me to get into my car, drive down to Carson and walk those streets carrying a sign in support of the Constitution. I was scared and I was emotionally distressed. It is harder now at 61 than it was at 30 to do lifting in this fight. But I’m glad I forced myself through the fear and I hope you will find it within yourselves to do so next time.
Will there be a synopsis of what occurred at the Carson march? Perhaps a new entry for Janice’s Journal? I live in Northern California and wasn’t able to make it to the peace protest. However, I’m interested to know what happened. Based on the few responses, I’m glad to know that you were safe from law enforcement harassment.
15 Years In Environment Of Constant Fear Somehow Fails To Rehabilitate Prisoner
(From the Onion, but it might as well be from the Los Angeles Times.)
Failing to register leads to death. The ultimate punishment. Who was protecting this inmate?
I just checked in with my probation officer and they gave me an “updated” set of laws pertaining to 290’s. They had me sign that “I have read, understood and received a copy of this order.” I figured that this was going to be a clarification of the Mosley and Taylor SC decisions, but there wasn’t any new clarity in that section.
Most of the laws were the same ones I have seen over my time of being on probation and reading through this site, but a new one stuck out.
“Out-of-State/International Travel
In order to satisfy federal legal requirements, registrants who plan to travel out-of-state or internationally should provide advanced written notice of their travel plans to the local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over their residence. The written notice should include dates of travel and travel destination.”
This is interesting since as far as I was aware, CA has not passed the AWA, and is thus not compliant with SORNA. Note, that I told my PO that I am aware that this doesn’t really affect me anyway right now, since I cant’t leave the state on probation.
Now in reading this a few things stood out:
1. All off the other sections reference the CA Penal Code that applies.
2. All of the other sections that do reference laws, use the term “must” or “shall”, not “should” as the new one does.
These things make me think that the probation department (came from my probation officer’s boss, in Orange County no less) is trying to spread FUD to registrants prior to them being off probation so that they will willingly do more than is required by law.
Any one else get something similar?
Just a reminder…
Bellucci said last year “Anybody who has to register as a sex offender in California can be a plaintiff,And there are 105,000 potential plaintiffs.”
I told Janice I wanted to publicly sue Carson City because Frank was the only one doing this alone. I wanted to support and stand by him.
You have NOTHING to FEAR but FEAR itself.
About 40 people showed NO fear as they march to PARK!
Don’t leave us alone publicly suing those cities.
Contact Janice so you can stand beside us.
Several posters on here regularly refer to their faith, bible verses, christianity, etc.
I just wanted to point out some atheists who are making clear that sex offenders have rights. Note the comments in this discussion (several people pointing out that RSO /= Pedophile and several people pointing out that once one serves their sentence, they should be free):
Heard Janice on the John and Ken show on Wednesday 3/11 (link below). I seemed to be going ok until near the end when all john wanted to do was talk about some hypothetical guy who was, no doubt in John’s mind, a high risk offender.
At least a couple of times Janice was able to get in that all RCs, are, but should not be, pained by the same brush by the media. But John didn’t want to hear anything about that . He kept going back to why someone/neighbors should love or embrace someone classified as a high risk offender in their neighbor.
I think the answers to that is that OF COURSE it is hard to, but it also depends on the circumstance of the offense.
The second thing John went on and on about was that person’s sexual fantasies. Or, as John said, what does he think about at, under the covers, when he’s pleasuring himself?
I think the best answer to that is not that we don’t know or it’s none of our business (both of which are very true) but rather that what he THINKS about DOES NOT MATTER, as long as he’s not acting on it.
Stroll through ANY neighborhood late at night (anytime really) and you can guess that someone, anyone, in any given home or apartment, is have the most wild or crazy or sick or perverted, or whatever else one wishes to call them, fantasies as they masturbate.
But so what? Who is harmed? No one. And this is one case where ignorance is truly bliss and harmless.
“(From the Onion, but it might as well be from the Los Angeles Times.)”
I could be wrong but all the LA Times editorials on initiaties/propositions/policies on registrants have been positive ones. They opposed prop 83, and 35. Where did they go wrong, in your opinion?
Oh boy! Looks like the SO ranks are going to go up by a whole bunch in the near or far future…. isn’t that a bakers dozen?
It will be interesting to see what becomes of this – how many kids end up registered. Pressuring girls into sex. Smoking pot in the bathroom. At school, mind you. The children! Won’t someone pleeeease think of the children!
In the meantime, with incarceration rates of 10 times that of other, comparable nations, and one out of every 150 male adults being a registered sex offender, the rest of the world wonders when this country is going to shed this mantle of moral superiority and stops inflicting their morals and values on the rest of the world – by bombing them back into the stone age.
John & Ken further dis Janice
I heard on the John and Ken show, during the 6 o’clock hour on Friday the 13th, that they meant to throw Janice in the dumpster that hour during a segment the called Hack in a Dumpster. But they ran out of time so they’ll do it next week.
They got the idea a few months ago for the segment from the video (link) below. So now it’s a weekly thing where the pick a politician or two, or some other person they do not like, and “throw them in the dumpster”.
The Official John & Ken Facebook page has the comment for this show on March 11th at 4:52
If you want to comment to them, that’s as good a place as any good.
Recently I have been thinking about some terms used to identify certain sex offenders and am not coming up with suitable explanations. I thought I would pose my primary question here to see what everyone else can contribute.
What are the differences between molestation and rape and why is molestation more frequently used when describing sexual offenses against children?
My basic understanding is that molestation is unwanted or non consensual touching where rape is unwanted or non consensual sexual intercourse. Yet people throw the term child molester around as if a molester is worse than a rapist. What am I missing?
John and Ken think ‘feeling uncomfortable around someone’ is grounds for breaking the law to attack them? That sounds like the same justification for hate crimes against the LBGT/transexual community. Even now, the anti-LBGT’s oppose transgender people getting to choose which bathroom they can use, because their hypothetical children, much like the hypothetical daughter of John, might cross paths with them. Let the shockjocks who want to label situational offenders, who are the majority of the registry, as unstoppable sex fiends, be without sin.
“They got the idea a few months ago for the segment from the video (link) below. So now it’s a weekly thing where the pick a politician or two, or some other person they do not like, and “throw them in the dumpster”.”
I nominate Al Robles, for trying to focus on taking away rights from a population responsible for 2% of sex crimes, with a 98% non-reoffense rate while trying to build a football stadium on a former toxic waste dump.
The more educated I become about the nuances of sex offending, the more troubling it is. Practically, the average legislator has little if any educational background in Psychology. One would think, the majority, if not all of society, is genuinely motivated to do everything possible to prevent future sex offenses. However, the circumstances which create the perfect storm for people prone to this kind of behavior; may in fact be created by the laws put in place, when they were intended to prevent these offenses. Alcohol and drug abuse is not the direct cause of these crimes, but they are certainly a powerful catalyst, and in some case, an essential element, to predicate sexual offenses. It is inexplicable to understand, why state laws and insurance policies, forbid registered sex offenders from receiving alcohol and drug abuse treatment, when in fact, if they were “sober”, many of these crimes wouldn’t materialize in the first place. Further enhancing the development of the perfect storm, are the hindrances to employment, as a result of “being” a registered sex offender. The fact that a person’s offense might have occurred years or decades ago is lost or not considered. This is the most vital step, towards cultivating a financially responsible and sober person.
Since this is just General Comments about general stuff, here’s a few thoughts about things I just won’t do anymore.
I won’t go to church anymore: I enjoy church, I enjoy the inspirational messages, the music, the kind people, but anyplace where there is potential for an overzealous person to identify, make a stink, or even make an unfounded accusation is not a safe place to be.
I won’t go to amusement parks with my grand kids: Every year they ask me to go to Disneyland and I say I have too much work to do, but no amusement park is a safe place for a RC. Again, some person just may not like the way I look so they’ll cause problems. Avoiding potential problems.
I will not go to school functions: Fortunately, my grand kids are home schooled so this one is okay, no problems here.
I will not go to Florida: Duh!
I will not go to a city or county park: Court orders don’t seem to matter to zealots.
I rarely go out at night: Yes, there is the potential for vigilante justice.
I know it sounds paranoid, I’m not paranoid, just cautious. I pick my locations carefully, I live openly and I live wisely. I am a handyman, but I never, ever, go into a home without parents present and I never did prior to my conviction. Just good business. Seems like there is open season on RC’s throughout the state, so it’s best not to expose one’s back. Be wise, be vigilant, be careful.
MCH the only one I agree with you is no visiting Florida. If you live like that…they win. If you’ve done nothing wrong at any of those places you have nothing to worry about.
Steve, Joe;
I do nothing wrong, and live transparently. Experiences in the past direct me to make better choices for me. One such example; While enjoying a snack at an establishment I’d frequented regularly for about 3 years, the bartender approached me and asked to talk to me. I though nothing of it since we’d talked before. He pulled me off to the side, asked if I was a registered sex offender to which I replied I was. He got red in the face and told me to get the F— out of his place and never come back. How did he know that? Check every customer, someone recognize me…who knows, but that’s what I’ll avoid. .
There are other examples, but I’ll not subject my family to public humiliation and shame because some numbnuts has a bug up their butt and wants to make an issue of where I go and what I do. They win the battle, I win the war. I choose my battles wisely, I’m free from guilt; they’re not…
Joe, “why would anyone from California go to Florida?”.
Because it’s where he/she grew up and may still be considered “home” to him/her and because it’s has many beautiful places.
(Admittedly and sadly, the FL politicians are turning it into a freakish police state.)
Question: Does anyone know if the U.S. Senate’s Anti-Sex Trafficking Bill that is currently under consideration includes any legislation affecting RCs? For example, are they attaching the International Megan’s Law legislation to the Bill?
More interesting police news:
Seems one of the boys in blue was hanky-pankying with a member of the Explorer program that he was involved in. Now, am I wrong in my thinking that those in a position of trust receive enhancements when they violate that trust? This officer received 45 days and 3 yrs probation, no mention of lifetime registration. This was probably plead down to a misdemeanor. What would this have been had it been Joe Average instead of a policeman? I’m thinking 3 yrs prison, 5 yrs probation, lifetime registration. Any thoughts on this? got a nugget in your fresnobee ex public employee police officer having intercourse with underage exployer scout ….45 day jail time misdemeanor what the and had been charged with coercion the victim to keep quiet …and there was NO mention to lifetime sex registry…no lifetime sex registry for ex public employee ..?…let intercourse be the standard for all to be OFF registry for all as this ex cop is allowed …this registry is a mockery..sham allowing ex public employee underage intercourse and NO reporting to register…let that be the standard to be OFF this registry for all.
I suggest that CA rsol and the national rsol all need to have home pages that detail the main objectives of the organization and the details of the inefficiency of and the injustices of the registry. When I refer someone to the site and it goes straight to the random stories and blogs about rso issues it is going to turn a lot of people away because they will just think that its just a site for rso basically. I have revered many people to the site every professional I can and freinds and family but it does nothing to educate them to the inefficiency of the registry or the objectives of the rsol organization. I beleive a homepage with these details is critical to help educate anyone that visits the site. The blobs are great for US rso but the general public are not getting educated from them and will simply open and close the site without gaining any knowledge about our cause. The blogs should be on a seperate link for all US rso to use after all if you haven’t noticed it seems only us rso are using the blog or this site. If you create the homepage as I suggest then maybe we can get more of the public interested in our cause. Please moderator pass this on to Janice to see what she thinks because I beleive it is paramount to getting more people to engage this site and if not at least they will most likely have read the homepage before exiting the site and will therefore have some knowledge as to our cause.
The general public are not going to click on the about us link they will click on the main link and go straight to the blog and think its just a site for us whining rso and simply close the page. PLEASE make the change as it is critical to educate the general public. I said to include the injustices on the homepage but I was wrong don’t include the injustices but instead explain how the registry is an attack on the constitution and how it needs to be abolished or severly reformed. And how inefective and costly it is and how counter productive it is.