When the Supreme Court ruled in 2012 that affixing GPS devices to vehicles to track their every move without court warrants was an unconstitutional trespass, the outcome was seen as one of the biggest high court decisions in the digital age.
That precedent, which paved the way for the disabling of thousands of GPS devices clandestinely tacked onto vehicles by the authorities, is now being invoked to question the involuntary placement of GPS devices onto human beings. Full Article
And the cozy sweater (lies) that the government is wearing starts to unravel. The light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter. The fact that registration is punitive and is a punishment will have to be addressed soon as there are a lot of challenges of the law happening across the country. Being optimistic reading replies that support our cause.
This a very balanced article that carefully illuminates both sides of the issue. I highly recommend that people read it. It is possible, thought not probable, that this case could reverse the SCOTUS decision from 2003 that registration is not punishment. In the meantime, we will keep working toward overturning that decision.
The mountain of conflicting court decisions certainly suggest that, eventually, whether the Justices like it or not, SCOTUS will have to address this whole Registration mess and its many related punishments and civil rights violations.
A million thanks to Janice and CalRSOL volunteers for their ongoing efforts!
And when SCOTUS does eventually address this civil rights nightmare, let us hope and pray that they do not lamely punt it like our California Supreme Court so recently has done with Taylor & Mosley!
“Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” – Patrick Henry
This whole life time monitoring BULLSH^T is unacceptable and clearly not ONLY punishment but cruel and unusual punishment at that!
I for one will not stand for it and I am really growing weary of this passive resistance and acceptance of this abuse.
I agree tired it seems there isn’t much resistance or aggressive action being taking against this bs. I for one will never submit to wearing a gps again it will be literally give me liberty or give me death before I submit to that again..