WI: Wisconsin slow to take GPS bracelets off ex-cons, despite ruling

Source: captimes.com 11/7/23

The Wisconsin Department of Corrections has been slow to release hundreds of people from GPS monitors it forced them to wear for life — long after they completed their sentences for sex offenses — in the five months since a state Supreme Court ruling challenged the practice.

That’s according to multiple sources including former offenders, who told the Cap Times the Department of Corrections is not following the spirit of the Supreme Court decision or its own statements after the ruling in May.

The Department of Corrections said at the time that it was in the process of taking offenders off the round-the-clock monitoring devices. However, the state agency has not provided information about how many monitors have been removed and how many are yet to be taken off.

The issue dates to 2017, when the DOC sent letters to about 200 sex offenders — many of whom had been discharged from the correctional system altogether and were not on probation or parole — stating they had five days to put on GPS tracking devices that would monitor their whereabouts for the rest of their lives.

The letters came after then-Attorney General Brad Schimel, who served during the administration of Gov. Scott Walker, issued a formal opinion saying that any offender with multiple counts of a sex crime was tantamount to a repeat offender and that multiple counts were the same as an offense being committed on “separate occasions,” and that those people were subject to registering as a sex offender for life.

In May, the state Supreme Court decided against Schimel’s interpretation of the sex offender registration statute, saying it went against the plain and ordinary meaning of the phrase “separate occasions” to imply that a person convicted of multiple counts of a crime that occurred in one instance was the same as a repeat offender.

People on the devices and their supporters say that was the last they have heard about the matter and that the electronic GPS monitors have caused trauma for the former offenders and their loved ones.

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If a registrant fails to abide by the state’s ” rules” a FTR will be followed, however the state drags its feet when they don’t like a court ruling. Wisconsin’s government is like a fish rotted from its head to tail and the Badger state sure likes trample on registrants’ rights. Wisconsin is run by a bunch of blockheads made out of cheese.

Jesus Christ. These cops are out of control. It’s like they’re children. “Uh the judges wouldn’t do what we wanted so, we don’t have to listen.”

Shame on them all. The government and LE is breaking the law and they should be locked up for it. I wish every registrant had the resources to sue for damages. Money may be the only thing these idiots understand.

This is troubling from WI. Household income is used, which is problematic. Taxes the entire house like the registry does and other law implications, e.g., seasonal restricted house decorations as we just discussed. Check on the person in person while wearing a GPS monitor on Halloween? Kind of defeats the purpose of it. Her response to it of “No sh*t Sherlock” is classic and should be posted everywhere.

Should get a TRO from US Dist Court of WI placed against the state for further implementation of the GPS related laws like MO had with Halloween decorations. Let them appeal it to the 7th CCOA if they don’t like it.

Just read this part of the article:

“The issue dates to 2017, when the DOC sent letters to about 200 … [people] — many of whom had been discharged from the correctional system altogether and were not on probation or parole — stating they had five days to put on GPS tracking devices that would monitor their whereabouts for the rest of their lives.”

Five whole days. I’m sure “public safety” was so dependent on that. What garbage a**holes those “[DOC] people” are. They are truly exactly what I think they are. I hope they understand when they act like that then they deserve consequences and they’ll be delivered. That is certain, in one way or another. Maybe it is just from a “road rage” incident on some road. Or maybe it is a neighbor who gets tired of their a**holism and throws a rock through their windows. Or maybe they get shot in yet another Amerikan mass shooting. Or maybe it is more direct retaliation. Who knows. But collective hate and a**holism harms everyone in Amerika. All we have to do is take a look around.

Anyway, it reminds me of when Georgia’s criminal legislators committed similar crimes over a decade ago. They forced many PFRs to get the added “civil regulation” of wearing an ankle monitor. I was arguing with one of the criminal legislators about it and he told me, “Oh well, you are lucky that you don’t have to wear an ankle monitor.” I corrected him though and said, “No, you are lucky.” And I meant that in most severe way possible. I was in the perfect mindset where that easily could have happened. I was not as nice as I am today.

Join a lawsuit? You shoudl have already started with a beginning of 1 million in damages.

Kevin Carr is a th*g and a criminal who’s breaking the law. They need to arrest his black az (I can say that because I”m also black) and haul him off to jail. He’s been nothing short of inept as a leader of that department, and now he’s trying to save face. The one that got spit on by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Why doesn’t Gov. Evers just fire this clown. I’m glad I left that sorry state which is now a distant memory. But if I still lived there, I would’ve long ago gotten my pruning shears, and cut that albatross off my ankle as soon as that decision came down. Then wait for Wisconsin’s DOC criminals to come get me. But that’s just me.

Last edited 1 year ago by J. Brown

Everyone definitely needs to sue to get the money back that they took.

I don’t think so! Don’t you or any of you believed what you’ve heard of? I’ve live in Wisconsin for over 2 decades, and I knew everything! They’re all bounch liars & crooked cops, DA’s, and Court System! “Fuck, Wisconsin, and the Green Bay Packers!” “Stinky ass state!”
Minnesota Vikings! Twin Cities, Baby!
“Go, Vikings!”
“I’ve speak truth, nothing but the truth!”
“And I knew the truth will hurts all your haters out there, in Wisconsin!”

Hey I agree with you about Kevin carr,as I’m from Wisconsin and I’m trying and fighting like hell to get this GPS off I call sorp they say they have 25,000 on it and it’s taking time and going case by case,
They need to also arrest the head of DOC and put them in jail
So tell me what I and who other than sorp can I contact about this here’s my case
One time charge with 4 counts from 1989 so tell me will I or should they take it off me Wisconsin is out of f*ckin hand we need lawyers with balls to stand up for us

They’re purposefully slow walking this…

A bill was introduced in the Wisconsin Senate which would codify the former AGs opinion, in an attempt to do an end run around the court’s decision.

The new bill makes the situation even worse and appears to be retroactive so that it will apply to even more people.

Criminals, th*gs, hoodlums…..when are we going to get Wisconsin under control? Their DOC needs to be pacified and contained in a crib. That sell out Kevin Carr should be locked in a holding cell with his DOC prisoners. He thinks he can “stall” last year’s court decision to remove everyone’s ankle bracelets, until his political criminal buddies can pass a law making it legal. If Wisconsin people started smoking dope until the Wisconsin legislature got around to legalizing it, those smokers would be facing criminal charges, which should happen to Kevin Carr since he’s a criminal for flouting the current law. Did I ever tell you how much I hate those people? I’m glad I left that crooked state. Sincerely, James Brown speaking truth to power

What the hell is wrong in this state. The state is still persecuting us after the supreme court over ruled it. I’ve been on the braclet for four years now. I even gotten a letter stating that your trying to pass a bill to keep us on it. I’m sick of this state.