A group of convicted sex offenders will march to Carson City Hall on Saturday to demand equal rights to visit fast-food restaurants, parks, libraries and other public areas from which they are now banned.
The protest is timed to coincide with the date of Martin Luther King Jr.’s voting-rights march to Selma, Ala., 50 years ago to emphasize that the issue is about a denial of constitutionally protected human rights. Carson imposes the state’s harshest restrictions against registered sex offenders.
“We really want to call it to the attention of the city of Carson that they indeed are violating civil rights of more than 100,000 people and their families,” attorney Janice Bellucci said. “We have multiple court decisions that clearly state that the Carson ordinance violates the state and federal constitutions.” Full Article
So Robles is claiming that this constitutionally malnourished hamlet, led by a bunch of ill informed hate mongers, will usurp and supersede the findings of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the recommendations of the CASOMB? Why doesn’t he focus on California Law? That might be a good place to start as he took an oath to follow it when he was sworn in to office.
I never knew he was that smart based on anything he’s said or done in this matter.
And I never knew that Carson contained the resources beyond the recommending agencies that set policy at the state level to coincide with rehabilitation and reintegration efforts in the complex world of criminal justice.
This doesn’t even get into the realm of imposing these draconian statutes on registrants whose cases were adjudicated decades ago. These constitutional violations are obvious to the least informed and educated of scholars in this arena.
This is a crying shame and is exactly what happens when mob rule based upon stubborn opposition to a preponderance of research and findings, is let to run amok.
More disastrous than anything is the fact that in his mind everything’s ok. It makes you wonder exactly how small this person’s brain really is and how the electorate has used hate as a platform so successfully with total regard to the basics of human rights.
I will make one observation that is painfully obvious – when a simpleton like Robles has a big hammer in his hand, all the problems look like tiny little nails.
The damage done to and the impacted lives of the children of the registrants are testimony to his handiwork. If he’s proud of this, then there are even more troubling indications of his disconnect in his blind pursuit of hate.