More sex offenders in rural areas

The rural communities on the edges of the High Desert have higher percentages of residents who are registered sex offenders when compared to larger cities in the area and to similarly sized communities elsewhere in the state, Megan’s Law website statistics show. Data also show that smaller local communities have larger percentages of sex offenders than the overall average in the state. Full Article

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NE: Should Minnesota juvenile land on Nebraska Sex Offender Registry?

The Nebraska Supreme Court won’t be asked to weigh in on whether the way a state law is written should result in a 12-year-old boy ending up on the state’s Sex Offender Registry. The question specifically is whether, by the letter of the law, minors listed on another state’s sex offender registry should be put on Nebraska’s list when they move to Nebraska, even if their cases went through juvenile court. In Nebraska, lawmakers opted to exclude juveniles unless they were prosecuted criminally in adult court. But when the Minnesota…

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